Example sentences of "[to-vb] that [pron] [be] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 The first move will be to alert all my known contacts , to request that I be held incommunicado if I approach any of them … ’
2 He poured himself more whisky , pressing Herr Nordern to have another , too , and saying that he was leading the Norderns into bad ways but that they must forgive him as it was n't very often they saw him , ha ! ha ! and Herr Nordern , while not prepared to accept that he was led by anyone except the leaders of his country , took the whisky , thinking , what the devil , he had worked like a dog all day , and it was true , Karl would not be with them much longer and they would probably never see him again and , he had to confess , he would n't mind if he never saw him again as long as either of them lived .
3 But those who claimed to know that they were chosen , Calvin viewed with suspicion .
4 You may like to know that we are represented on the Wales Access Forum , which has just been set up under the auspices of the Countryside Council for Wales .
5 It might be helpful to know that it is planned that low flying by jets will decline by about 30 per cent .
6 ‘ And now to know that it is haunted makes me a little apprehensive . ’
7 NAM 's Public Relations Officer , Howard Heeley , said that while the Museum were sorry to see the Mk 4 go , it was more than pleasing to know that it was intended to fly it again .
8 To know that she was needed by someone gave her a heady sense of power .
9 Maggie Byrne was a woman with plenty of love to give , and the best stimulus of all was to know that she was needed .
10 Many older women probably avoid relationships for similar reasons but , once they get over the inhibitions , it can be very reassuring to know that you are accepted , varicose veins , belly and all .
11 learn to accept yourself as you are and to know that you are allowed to have faults as well as good points ;
12 Nice to know that you 're missed , eh , love ? ’
13 I do , I 'd , you know , from that point of view , as regards er health in this kind , but to know that you 're covered rather
14 It was his great satisfaction in retirement to know that he was held in deep affection by many hundreds of students who were fortunate enough to come under his caring influence . ’
15 It is good to know that he was thought so highly of and that we have so many friends .
16 Potential members must write to the relevant section ( or sections ) , and the BSIA 's governing council has to establish that they are recognised and effective businesses or trades .
17 It merely states that the normal and primary justification of any authority has to establish that it is qualified to follow with some degree of success the principles which should govern the decisions of all authorities .
18 If a correction is made , consumers have the right to demand that it is notified to people who have had information during the previous six months .
19 Earlier , in December , an Austrian government report which concluded that Bohunice was unsafe had led the Chancellor , Franz Vranitzky , to demand that it be closed down .
20 on collecting my T-shirt and participants instructions a few days before the event , I was rather alarmed to discover that we were expected to meet at Alexander Stadium at 7.45 a.m. on the Sunday morning , a time that I did n't really know existed even before my maternity leave !
21 This helped the police , who had been demoralised in the past when , time and again , they would arrest terrorists only to find that they were released in government amnesties aimed , in vain , at regaining the trust of alienated Sikhs .
22 I have met some very disillusioned nurses who responded to vigorous recruitment drives and travelled many miles from home , only to find that they were expected to live ‘ in dilapidated , out of the way nurses ’ hostels with no hope of raising the funds for anything better in the vicinity .
23 It was a tall , thin , almost clownlike man with large destroyed teeth in a long mobile face who was the unlikely source of so commanding a voice ; and it was a relief to find that it was directed not at us , but at our surrounding mob .
24 The mutineers ' objectives , broadcast before the armed forces regained control of the situation , appeared to indicate that they were motivated by religious and regional considerations .
25 This card may be placed face up at the table edge or with the unit to indicate that it is affected .
26 Erm , in the letter that you s sending by fax tomorrow , you tend to indicate that it is held while the matter 's sorted .
27 The first of those from Viola was addressed in fact to ‘ Dear Walter and Hilda ’ , but it was not difficult to guess that it was intended primarily for Walter 's eyes .
28 Both allow programs to pretend that they are connected to a PostScript printer and so offer the user a wider range of typefaces , GoScript comes with emulators for both the basic four-font and extended eleven-font sets .
29 Given this scenario one would have thought that it was clear for all to see that what is required are urgent steps to reduce the time , and opportunity for offending , between being apprehended for an offence and having that offence dealt with by the courts .
30 If we can not win that support , we may as well go out of business , and it is our duty now at all events to make the best of the situation which has arisen and to see that everything is done to make our Party what Disraeli called it — and what , if it is to have any existence , It must be — a really national party .
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