Example sentences of "[to-vb] that [adj] of the " in BNC.

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1 It is interesting to discover that many of the complicated variations used in handling the speech of others also appear when thought rather than speech is dealt with ( see Table 5.2 ) .
2 It can be a relief to discover that some of the worrying physical symptoms are not the first indications of some dreaded disease but are stress-related and represent perfectly normal ways of reacting to stress .
3 We were surprised to find that 18 of the 36 gears are underneath 2.5mph and 10 of them are above 7.5mph .
4 Sometimes she came back to the present with a bang to find that one of the girls had asked a question and had received no answer at all because Jenna 's gaze was fixed on the sky outside the window , her mind travelling the road to Paris and Alain .
5 Yvonne Harper-Wake , managing director of London 's The Gym at The Sanctuary , was amazed to find that many of the callers were overweight because they were eating all the wrong things .
6 It 'll change as you get older erm you wo n't necessarily just have that all the time we used to run these courses for students who had just come out of college and they were joining their company to work for the first first time and we used to do this and we used to find that many of the people who had just taken out the job for the first time had very very flat scores .
7 Having heard all the horror stories about being nicked for speeding in the US , I was pleasantly surprised to find that most of the traffic was travelling at about 70mph , so I set the cruise control at around that speed and tried not to look conspicuous .
8 She was great as Beattie — and it was heartening to find that most of the other winning ads had humorous themes .
9 Owen had been to the Coptic Cathedral before but not to a Coptic church ; so he was surprised to find that most of the congregation appeared to be on crutches .
10 The judge declined to find that any of the information contained in the blue book bore the stamp of confidentiality within the criteria laid down in Faccenda Chicken , ie it could not be described as a trade secret or anything approximating thereto .
11 It would be idle to pretend that any of the Pacific islands have the kind of economic importance possessed by , say , Korea , or Malaysia , but in addition to potentially immense political importance and no small amount of charm , they have a symbolic significance — for they are what the world still thinks of when confronted with the single word , Pacific .
12 It was not difficult to spot that some of the products in our portfolio could never again be profitable .
13 The error in the phenomenological approach of Berger is that it does not allow him to see that one of the social processes which affects the success of some theories , in terms of their historical effects , is precisely the process of rational discussion and truth-testing which occurs in science .
14 I was heartened to see that one of the slogans on London East TEC 's letterhead is : ’ Our vision is that by the year 2000 , the East side of London should be as prosperous as the West side ’ — that seems to be an excellent vision for London East TEC .
15 In theft terms it is difficult to see that one of the rights of the customer has been adversely interfered with .
16 There was just enough moonlight to see that one of the rocks did indeed resemble a naked woman with her twin breasts thrust towards the stars .
17 Dr Tim Bishop , for the ICRF in Leeds , added : ‘ We looked at dozens of case studies , from as far apart as America , Holland , Iceland , Germany , France , Sweden and the UK — in fact , almost all the known families with chromosome 17 linkage data and we were amazed to see that all of the families seemed to have the same genetic defect . ’
18 It is , therefore , perhaps not surprising to see that many of the evaluation studies described in the library literature give accounts of the evaluation of specific methods and media which have been used in library instruction rather than evaluation of programmes of instruction .
19 He grew , however , to see that many of the new movements were not seriously deviationist or dissident .
20 And , beyond that , we ought to see that some of the latest European music is only ‘ fascistic ’ in ways that are almost the opposite of male triumpalism .
21 He was quite right to claim that each of the four cells at the end of the cleavage would form a normal larva .
22 The DoE was able to confirm that most of the advertisers involved had not obtained their consent .
23 Reports tend to confirm that most of the fish have completed spawning activities and seem ready to feed .
24 ‘ I do not want to labour the failures of the past but I do want to emphasise that many of the problems that are now being tackled are the legacy of past management failure . ’
25 He collapses into a miserable heap , but to round things off his shepherd comes to report that one of the sheep is missing , and identifies the disputed sheepskin as that of this beast .
26 It might not be a complete oversimplification to state that many of the profession 's difficulties with the lay public stem from the public 's basic incomprehension of what we write ; and yet is it not the particular beauty of the English language that the most appreciated and elegant words are in fact the simplest and most easily understood ?
27 We have to remember that many of the new actors will find their first work in the theatre .
28 It is therefore reasonable to suggest that one of the MOs of a 1 symmetry is largely O 2s in character , while the O 2p z and H ( 1s + 1s ) orbitals combine to generate bonding and anti-bonding MOs .
29 This is not to suggest that each of the sample antiracist statements does not have something pertinent to say about the particular instance of racism which it privileges as paradigmatic .
30 Practically unique letter specification was obtained from only the downstrokes of the writing , and there is other evidence to suggest that most of the information in cursive writing is in the downward portions of the writing .
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