Example sentences of "[to-vb] he [conj] [vb past] he " in BNC.

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1 Marius Steen must have killed Sweet : Sweet had put the pressure on about the photographs , Steen had fixed to meet him and shot him .
2 After he had been held incommunicado for a month his family were allowed to visit him and found him in good health .
3 No ! ’ at the ceiling , Beth trying grumpily to reassure him and shut him up .
4 ‘ When he first told me , I tried to understand him and agreed he could dress up once a week at home .
5 He is himself unreadable and hence ungovernable — a walking accusation levelled at the sympathetic educated sensibility which seeks simultaneously to understand him and set him on the straight and narrow .
6 On the wall , the new star mounted a photograph of Gene Kelly , who came to see him and told him how proud he was of his performance , and painted on the door were the words ‘ Ginger Crawford ’ .
7 Hayling had seemed unusually pleased to see him and offered him some champagne .
8 The man threatened to kill him and pushed him off the balcony . ’
9 Harry Carpenter came up to interview him and asked him about the last putt .
10 Whereas a white youth may have visions of becoming a successful sportsman , his parents may have a strong enough hold over him to deflect him and set him on course for a ‘ straight ’ job ; often this is not the case with blacks .
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