Example sentences of "[to-vb] [been] [adj] with [art] " in BNC.

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1 Trust Rune Christensen to have been involved with the most exquisite-looking woman in the room !
2 Outside the wall , except on the north side , where the river came to its foot , there appears to have been only a single ditch , some 6.5 m ( 21 ft ) wide and 2.5 m ( 8 ft ) deep , which had been truncated by the medieval ditch ; it is most likely to have been contemporary with the early rampart .
3 In fact Mr Major , who is said to have been delighted with the way Mr Waldegrave introduced the health reforms , has put him in charge of implementing the Citizen 's Charter .
4 The Chinese leaders appear to have been dissatisfied with a number of aspects of the Sino-Soviet treaty of 1950 , and at the 20th Congress of the CPSU in 1956 they were reportedly unhappy about the manner in which Khrushchev had denounced the actions of Stalin .
5 Though some of them seem to have been familiar with the writings of some of the others , each worked independently and developed a personal view of the mystical life .
6 Although they do not seem to have been familiar with the work of Saussure , Wimsatt and Brooks here might appear to be approaching his principle that the meaning of words is purely conventional and arbitrary .
7 He seems to have been intimate with the king and perhaps prominent at court : writing in 1258 , the poet John Garland [ q.v. ]
8 In Parliament he seems to have been happiest with the common-law politics of Sir Edward Coke [ q.v. ] , but disapproving of faction .
9 In 1323–5 Ramsey worked as a mason at St Stephen 's chapel in Westminster Palace , but seems to have been identical with the Master William de Ramesseye in charge of works at Norwich Cathedral in 1326–31 .
10 Despite the many grumbles and adverse comments , 70 per cent of all employers interviewed claimed to have been satisfied with the standard of work of young people taken on by them in the previous two years , and only 14 per cent expressed dissatisfaction .
11 In view of the Warc footnote , this statement seems to have been economical with the truth .
12 In addition to this breach of the moral duty of fidelity , the court appears to have been concerned with the risk of confidential information being passed to competitors , because it was satisfied that the plaintiffs did own certain business secrets of which the employees had knowledge .
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