Example sentences of "[to-vb] [been] [noun] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ( To both Leonard 's and his mother 's regret , sadly ; another of those alienating-reconciling events which seem to have been characteristic of this family . )
2 And they seem to have been scientists of one sort or another . ’
3 The princes had not been mentioned and she assumed it to have been instructions for some special task commissioned privately by the new constable .
4 Though one might think that all those who left must have been in agreement with the National Socialist ideology , there appear to have been artists of all persuasions who remained members .
5 It suddenly seemed to him to have been lull of long damp nights sleeping under the stars , desperate fights with trolls , city guards , countless bandits and evil priests and , on at least three occasions , actual demigods — and for what ?
6 Scott J concluded that it was in the public interest for there to have been disclosure to those two bodies .
7 It has given me great pleasure and pride to have been part of that team . ’
8 Which periods of UK history seem to have been periods of major structural change ?
9 With Sir Thomas Cooke , his successor as governor , Herne appears to have been party to some extremely shady deals to break up the opposition group in 1693–4 , and to have engaged in bribery to help secure a new charter for the company in 1694 ; all this brought a parliamentary storm on his head in the spring of 1696 .
10 Most of the people who were in the street at that time would have been in one or other of the pubs , but do n't forget that the harbour is full of craft of all sorts and there are sure to have been people aboard some of them . ’
11 On Feb. 21 , arson attacks against three department stores in Frankfurt were reported to have been protests against western involvement in the Gulf .
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