Example sentences of "[to-vb] [Wh adv] [pron] was going " in BNC.

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1 ‘ She seemed to know where she was going and had her eyes focused on that rather than her colleagues . ’
2 She did n't want Travis McKenna to know where she was going .
3 He was hatless , and passers-by looked curiously at this young man who seemed to know where he was going , yet strode absently .
4 Alexei was surprised that Jotan appeared to know where he was going .
5 He never quite seemed to know where he was going , or why .
6 Nails , getting the taste of it , stopped being terrified and began to keep his eyes open long enough to judge the thoroughbred 's stride as he approached a jump and to know when he was going to stand off and when he was going to put a quick one in .
7 Regret because maybe her husband will find out and want to know why she was going with another man in the first place .
8 As she stood uncertainly at the top of stairs leading down , she began to wonder how she was going to make herself heard above the noise .
9 Among the shadows of the platform he kept wrenching his neck around — for the first time in his life he seemed to be trying to look where he was going .
10 I could n't even be bothered to look where I was going .
11 felt that the wider problem of possible changes in the Institute should be addressed to determine where it was going .
12 He just , on occasion , looked over to see how she was going , and then rode on .
13 So with Amyas 's long , damp fingers pressed against her eyes , Jennifer was led stumbling into the passage , and on the way up to the house Sir Gregory tried to think how he was going to pacify his wife , who had never been able to forgive him for his infidelity and who had always resented the presence of his bastard 's daughter under her roof when she came to hear Mass .
14 You know and I said I , I 'm Margaret you know , Adrian from the City Council was you know I , er sort of thing like that , I was trying to think how I was going to say it
15 He was always in a hurry to get where he was going and always in a hurry to leave it when he got there .
16 The first was the knowledge that the bungalow was situated in the town 's radio ‘ black spot ’ and he had failed to report where he was going .
17 And all the old crowd returned They 'd often come past the shop to see when it was going to open up again .
18 And I felt I could n't design rational experiments without having some type of criteria to judge the results against ; otherwise I would n't be able to see where I was going .
19 ‘ Barry , excuse me for asking this , but why would n't I want to see where I was going ? ’
20 She only had to have the usual amount of arms and legs and to be able to see where she was going .
21 Squinting her eyes , because the contrast from bright day to the deep shadow in the barn made it difficult to see where she was going , and wary of stumbling and falling over , she grabbed at the doorframe , and shot out her foot to trip him up .
22 She reversed in a reckless sweep , scraping the Range Rover with a hideous scream of metal , then tore off down the hairpin bends of the drive , blinking away tears furiously to see where she was going .
23 Defeated in his climb , he had been descending , heading for the window , hoping he could hammer on it and attract someone 's attention , but ice and spindrift made it impossible to see where he was going ; and now he was trapped .
24 Fortunately most of the corridors were bright enough and only in a few of the darker , damper ones did he need his torch to see where he was going .
25 It swirled thickly , making it impossible to see where he was going .
26 The rain had almost stopped , but various projections over the pavement in Fleet Street dripped on Dyson as he passed , wetting the lenses of his spectacles and making it difficult for him to see where he was going .
27 Each evening the Second Son would lift his head from his books to ask how it was going , adding a ‘ hurry up ’ to Hassan as his mother was waiting in Al Ain .
28 We rang Duncan to ask where he was going on holiday , but he had already gone away .
29 Er the delivery part it was more the cluster but the overall delivery allowed me to prepare how I was going to be standing er how to get the audience in contact with me the eye the eye contact and also the way I spoke .
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