Example sentences of "[to-vb] [Wh det] [vb mod] have [be] " in BNC.

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1 Instead he tried to guess what might have been said .
2 A contractor could use the actual performance when not working under claim conditions to establish what should have been foreseeable .
3 Personality flaws stifle it — and we are left to wonder what might have been .
4 It would be futile to speculate what might have been achieved had these two separate teams felt able to cooperate .
5 While alternative venues have been found for Nanci Griffiths ' concerts , the rest of us have been forced to imagine what might have been .
6 On the whole , these ten discs , issued to mark what would have been Ferrier 's eightieth birthday and to coincide with Paul Campion 's new discographical study ( see page 25 ) group together her recordings in a logical fashion beginning with the 1947 abridged Orfeo stemming from Glyndebourne performances .
7 In many respects you are only being asked to do what ought to have been done around the time of your last birthday .
8 ‘ It is not necessary to consider what would have been the effect of the payment of £20 if it had been made in full satisfaction of the demand against Hunter .
9 The court set aside the committal ‘ on all those three grounds ’ ( see p. 624 ) , but did not have to consider what would have been the position if only the third ground had been substantiated .
10 Ferdinand failed to save what might have been saved from the wreck of the American Empire by his refusal to face realities and his obstinate insistence on reducing America to its traditional obedience to his crown .
11 It was during the summer months of 1968 that my father first began taking me to Walton junction , Liverpool to see what must have been the very last of the steam trains thunder past at 7 o'clock .
12 IN WHICH the barefoot songstrel rewrote her life story for the late Eighties , and came back to claim what should have been hers years before .
13 I have no doubt that a major influence in forcing him to make what must have been for him a most distasteful and humiliating manoeuvre , was a letter sent by a number of Durham county councillors to a local newspaper in reply to an article penned by Mr Fallon in the previous week 's issue .
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