Example sentences of "[to-vb] [that] it [be] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ My lord , I have good reason to know that it was you who said a word for me in his Grace 's ear , and gave me this day for thought , and even offered me arguments I was not wise enough to find for myself .
2 Furious , he got up to complain to his neighbour , only to discover that it was his own dog which he had accidently shut outside before going to bed .
3 Everything seemed to indicate that it was our friend Argol , or some flunkey of his .
4 Eric 's name was not given but it was not difficult to guess that it was him .
5 ‘ It does n't take a psychologist to see that it 's you who 's running . ’
6 After my fourth or fifth lesson I was able to see that it was I who was causing myself the discomfort .
7 Obviously , it is in a ‘ plugger 's ’ interest to claim that it was his or her work which made a record into a hit , but if you employ a ‘ plugger ’ it is worth being sceptical when deciding what to believe .
8 If we resent this ( as we should ) , we ought to realize that it is we who are to blame for it .
9 ‘ Well , ’ argues Paul , ‘ you have to remember that it 's our first album and it 's , like , our album for the world .
10 ‘ No one , ’ said a judge who had watched Slime , ‘ could ever again look at a pond and fail to remember that it was somebody 's home , ’
11 Either way , the word seems to suggest that it was their inability or refusal to suckle which was regarded as characteristic — a supposition exactly in line with my theory that they represent the masculine , aggressive , weaning mothers of early agriculture .
12 Though he never disguised his leadership ambitions , he continued to deny that it was his intention to challenge the Prime Minister .
13 Of course the sceptics and the doubters will sneer at the influence on the affair exercised by Dicky saying that the former route was unsuitable and geographically unstable , and they will point out that such conditions have been overcome in other parts , for example , the West Highland , the Liverpool and Manchester and the Settle and Carlisle , but then those conversant with Dicky o' Tunstead will continue to believe that it is his malign influence which kept the rails away from Tunstead Farm .
14 Easier to believe that it was hers , and there was something wrong with it .
15 Lutyens 's family were brought up to believe that it was their father who invented Nanna , and that it was from their own night nursery window in Bloomsbury Square that Wendy and the boys flew with Peter Pan to the Neverland .
16 She has no reason to believe that it was anything other than an accident .
17 She has no reason to believe that it was anything other than an accident .
18 ‘ You seem to forget that it 's my house , too . ’
19 For a split second , I have sometimes failed to recognize that it is my own face that is being reflected back at me .
20 We have to recognize that it is our responsibility to ensure that the natural fears and concerns that people have are allayed .
21 Prince Bernhard had said no such thing , but Sharpe had decided it would be more efficacious to assign the opinion to the prince than to confess that it was his own view .
22 I was to learn that it was his way of controlling his temper .
23 She seemed to think that it was her own child and showed signs of distress when Carrie took the baby from her .
24 Ten years ago I remember I used to think that it was our mental hospitals which later generations would regard as the most staggering and incomprehensible blind spot of our time , on which they would look back as we do upon the generations which burnt witches or tried by ordeal .
25 But setting her misgivings about Tommaso himself aside , Caterina decided that she had been quite wrong to think that it was she who had caught his attention .
26 I I 've got to say that it 's somebody that 's got a personal project that has done it in one force ai n't it .
27 A , it 's part of , it 's linked to the fact that erm , the Council 's quite erm concerned to get , you know , community groups active in the town and responding to things as well as just the Council , Council Officer 's , but it 's also linked to the fact that we as Council Officer 's ca n't be overtly political , it 's far to say , and you know , what happens is groups get set up to resist things like last year when the hospital lost the fifty million pounds , there 's enough people on it now to say that it 's you people here that formed the bulk of thos e groups .
28 I have to say that it was me , I did that .
29 The usual instruction was to ‘ provide what is customary ’ , though this attitude led to extreme financial hardship for the poorer classes , though it would not be unreasonable to say that it was they who helped to perpetuate the meaningless and elaborate ritual well into the early decades of the twentieth century .
30 The 34027 Locomotive Group still retain the prestigious opportunity of being able to say that it was their locomotive which took the first train hauled by a steam locomotive into Waterloo after some 25 years .
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