Example sentences of "[to-vb] [that] [pron] did n't " in BNC.

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1 It 's interesting that gay men on Switchboard found it much easier to accept that they did n't automatically know best for lesbians than white people on Switchboard find it to accept that they might not know best for Black people .
2 They were soulless little beings , numerous and uniform , no more than a commercial product bred to a standard , and Reynolds was slightly disturbed to find that they did n't evoke any feeling of sympathy from him .
3 But a final word of caution : venturis are temperamental , and to enclose yours within a blockwork wall , only to find that it did n't work properly , would be frustrating .
4 Suddenly she was surprised that she could talk about Ian White without regret ; surprised to find that it did n't hurt any more .
5 She had been surprised to find that he did n't feel it beneath him to help her in the house .
6 I just do n't want you having to face the pater only to find that she did n't mean half she said .
7 And now , despite the fact that he 'd held her in his arms , it needed little imagination to guess that he did n't quite trust her .
8 And if they all spied on each other all the time the great thing , the only thing , which would , could , make life tolerable was to pretend that they did n't .
9 And if Feargal wanted to pretend that she did n't exist , well , who the hell cared ?
10 Sensations running wild , Shelley put her arms round him , holding him close , unable to pretend that she did n't want him .
11 It seemed much easier to sit and do nothing , to pretend that he did n't exist , to empty your mind of feelings so that you felt nothing , nothing at all … .
12 ‘ At one point things got out of hand and we had to organise a group of MPs a Make-up Patrol crew to follow the actors around to see that they did n't eat anything or do anything that would affect the prosthetic face gear . ’
13 Now I was beginning to see that it did n't necessarily have to be that way .
14 Mr Healey : ‘ I did send her a copy of what I wrote about her to see that she did n't object .
15 It seemed to Marie that people would only have to take one look at her to see that she did n't belong in these surroundings .
16 Murder brought Raskolnikov to see that he did n't believe his reasons for committing it .
17 I was delighted to see that you did n't bother to rise to Lisa Robillard 's rather silly letter on sexism .
18 There used to be a long table and the head used to sit at the end of this table and so to see that you did n't leave off working she used to get the table cloth and always be pulling this table straight .
19 What you would like to find , of course , is just one fuel tank because you think Andropulos is going to claim that he did n't abandon ship because he thought another fuel tank was about to go and he did n't want his precious passengers splashing about in a sea of blazing fuel oil which would , of course , also have destroyed the rubber dinghies . ’
20 Trade unions began , if slowly and unadventurously , to assert that they did n't give a hoot : their members were not going to run risks they did n't like .
21 Erm , as I say , it was n't taken in any way to circumvent your discussion on the project , it was very much one to ensure that we did n't lose the offered grant .
22 I was never really good at pretending that I could assume my client to be innocent because I or my instructing solicitor had been careful to ensure that he did n't actually confess .
23 She gripped his hand as tightly as she could , feeling a terrific wrench on her shoulders as he tried to haul her in , steadying himself against the door to ensure that he did n't end up suffering the same fate as his companion .
24 Looking back I find it hard to believe that I did n't keep abreast of all the war news ; but the war had been going on for so long that I , like almost every girl of my generation , had lost interest in it .
25 And although I found it hard to understand that you did n't want to meet her again that evening , I accepted that she was possibly ‘ not your type ’ .
26 We stood together in the entrance hall of the theatre where the show is produced , but I have to confess that I did n't recognize him .
27 It is not a sign of high status in a man 's world to be in charge of women only , but I have to confess that I did n't find it unpleasant .
28 Actually , she was beginning to decide that she did n't like being called Linda at all .
29 One day I happened to mention that I did n't know one end of a bomb from the other , and wondered out loud what the bomb dump looked like .
30 I happened to mention that I did n't much like my sister 's husband .
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