Example sentences of "[to-vb] [adv prt] with their [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In public , people tried to carry on with their lives , while at home they were starting to prepare for what was to come .
2 Adds Lt Watts : ‘ What often made situations all the more tragic was the fact that these poor From here is single col for page 7 people were trying to carry on with their lives .
3 A large group in the opposite corner had erupted into laughter at just the right moment , to mask the sound of her action , however , and even those who had seen and heard were simply hiding slightly shocked and curious smiles behind polite hands and pretending to go on with their talk .
4 We found that a lot of young couples that because you do n't go to church on a regular basis but erm , to go along with their parents ' wishes too , rather than going through a big church wedding in a church , they go to a hotel and they have the erm , wedding ceremony and the reception all in the hotel , and are married by a minister .
5 Yes , I mean I run a series for one of the local newspapers on past Lewes mayors and the amount of work that I had to do for that meant that I picked up all sorts of pieces of information about what other mayors had tried in the past , and things that had been successful and things that had been disasters , and as it was the centenary I went to a lot of trouble to look up exactly what had happened a hundred years ago and to try and recreate the ceremonial connected with that , and then when we elected erm two people honourary freeman of the town I got in all of the other mayors from Sussex , asked them to come along with their robes and mace bearers and so on , and we had this very sort of grand ceremonial procession in the Assembly Hall , which was sort of packed out with about four hundred people .
6 And then when we elected erm two people Honorary Freemen of the town , erm I got in all of the other mayors from Sussex , asked them to come along with their robes and their mace-bearers and so on , and we had this very sort of grand ceremonial procession in the assembly hall which was packed house of about four hundred people .
7 We erm at Dunfermline Athletic Football Club , as in a lot of other erm premiere and first division clubs specifically develop family enclosure areas for women to come along with their husbands and
8 The Whitby Gazette announced that there would be a high tide on Ascension Eve that year , and readers were invited to write in with their views on the subject .
9 British restaurant cooking had been despaired of after fifteen years of siege conditions until the counter-attack of The Good Food Guide , founded in 1951 by Raymond Postgate , a pioneering bon vivant , and compiled by himself , his friends and any members of the public who could be bothered to write in with their recommendations ( one who did was a lion tamer ) .
10 They could not hold him now , they could only hope to come off with their lives and unidentified .
11 The lucky ones had bikes but most had to walk long distances to meet up with their friends .
12 The breakthrough came with the middle-of-the-road National Union of Railwaymen , which promised to come up with their target £150,000 ‘ subject to a positive response from a number of other unions ’ .
13 So we asked some of the other Liverpool stores to come up with their definition of Merseystyle …
14 So we asked some of the other Liverpool stores to come up with their definition of Merseystyle …
15 The change becomes easier and easier and when the mid-point is passed those who have been left behind with the old method are only too eager to catch up with their colleagues .
16 The new agreement gave both sides one month to catch up with their commitments under the treaty .
17 Young men leap past us from the roof above , splashing into the water to catch up with their canoes , beer bottles held aloft .
18 When they are ready to be seen on their home territory — which may be northern Scandinavia or Iceland — they disappear , hopefully to come back with their offspring in the autumn .
19 Mind you he also said that David Mellor , Norman Lamont and Michael Mates had nothing to worry about with their jobs .
20 Those around you will want you to help out with their ideas because of this .
21 It seemed to me that if the Fraxillians were docile enough to put up with their misery , and stupid enough to believe in their rulers divinity , they were n't likely to offer much of a threat to him or to my delivery .
22 I 've been particularly interested in the clumsy child , who has co-ordination , rhythm and timing difficulties , and I have written a booklet which is now available for parents and for teachers who are interested , for the age range five years to eleven years , which gives parents exercises to carry out with their children to encourage the child in overcoming difficulties with co-ordination , rhythm , timing , and to help them with speaking , writing and reading remediation .
23 It was their duty to drive back with their hounds all deer which wandered out of the forest into their purlieus , and to present all offences against the venison , whether committed in the forest or in the purlieus , at the next attachment court or swanimote .
24 I must admit , though , I find it difficult to keep up with their thought patterns at times . ’
25 This helps them to keep up with their subject and sometimes with their colleagues .
26 B and L were unable to keep up with their loan repayments and the bank appointed administrative receivers .
27 Viewers are invited to fax in with their guesses about where Gaiman is holed up .
28 I have to allow the songwriting people within this operation to have the time and security of mind to get on with their art .
29 I suspect that for many young Germans it might be pretty meaningless , as it would be for their British or French contemporaries , who simply want to get on with their lives without having to attend to the doings of another generation .
30 And working-class dykes and queens whose whole identity is often a conscious political expression , continued to get on with their lives .
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