Example sentences of "[to-vb] [adv prt] [conj] out [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Its ability to weave in and out of the enemies is unbelievable , and turning back on yourself sends it into a tight mid-air manoeuvre that would tax a Harrier jump jet !
2 Our breathing work is based on selected Yoga positions , chosen for their particular relevance to the Medau system , and although this relationship is important , the positions are taught differently , the aim being to influence the breath in an indirect way , undisturbed by directions to breathe in or out at certain moments .
3 It is alleged by the plaintiff that the use of these roads by numerous heavy goods vehicles at night amounts to a public nuisance for which the defendants are responsible : the dock company because it controls the Gillingham Gate and by its operation of the gate and the port in general causes or permits the heavy goods vehicles to go in and out of it at all hours , and the fourth and fifth defendants , Crescent Wharves Ltd. and Ship Link Terminals Ltd. respectively , because as sublessees of the dock company they or their customers send heavy goods vehicles in and out of the port and cause or materially contribute to the alleged nuisance .
4 Amongst these must be the facility to zoom in and out of text , all at an editable level , such that you can magnify , say , three point text to take up as much of the screen as you choose , or , conversely , diminish 72 point text to as small as you can read in order to edit it .
5 A Background Rock 19cm high , with holes for your fish to swim in and out of .
6 Do they want to fall in or out to the sides ?
7 It 's an easy lock for you to come in and out of your houses with .
8 ‘ In fact , I did n't know him at all and he 'd managed to slip in and out of affairs before I even tumbled to the fact that he was playing around .
9 This ability of DNA to cut and splice , to jump in and out of chromosomes at the drop of a hat , is one of the more exciting facts that have come to light since the first edition of this book was published .
10 The children began to jump in and out of the boat , arranging and re-arranging themselves .
11 THERE IS A CREEK in North America which in early summer is overhung with arching fronds of flowers ; you have to duck in and out of them as you paddle the canoe .
12 Julia 's pain seemed to have left her , and she lay seeming to drift in and out of sleep or unconsciousness , Anne could never be sure which , as she sat beside her , wiping her face , or tried to feed her with beef tea from a feeding cup .
13 ‘ The Crate combo looks rugged enough to chuck in and out of the back of the car and take some general punishment , so that 's good .
14 Northwest is strongest in the Midwest and allows you to fly in and out of Canada .
15 Gobbets seemed to wink in and out of existence .
16 ‘ Perhaps it was built as a wind break , ’ she said , ‘ there does n't seem to be anything to keep in or out except the wind here . ’
17 The Parkins had migrated from Dublin when Bernard was eight , young enough to take advantage of an educational system which allowed bright children to climb up and out of their allotted place in society .
18 A pair of Harpies nest here , as they are just able to squeeze in and out of the narrow windows .
19 His prong began to thrust in and out of her like a greased piston , and she found it slipped up her arse as often as it penetrated her vagina .
20 Sally confesses : ‘ We realized , after we 'd had the dividing wall rebuilt between the front room and the back parlour , that it was impossible to get in or out of the back parlour , since we 'd also had the doorway closed off and made into a display case for the tortoiseshell medical implements Peter collects .
21 Quite a common problem is not being able to get in and out of the bath .
22 But it can be difficult to get in and out of and there may be times when it 's too warm — then what do you do ?
23 As his condition improves , he gradually starts to wash while sitting , and later learns to get in and out of the bath .
24 She also thought Esther would need a hoist to get in and out of the bath .
25 A small , thin tabby , she spent her life trying to work out the central dilemmas of her life — how to get in and out of the house , and why the fat man called Henry tried to kick her every time the two other people in the house were out of the way .
26 Of course if you want real STOL performance — to get in and out of a small lake or tightly winding river , perhaps — this is the machine for it .
27 For the elderly who have some form of infirmity , the normal daily routine of keeping the body clean and disposing of its waste products can be exhausting , hazardous , and , in some cases even painful when the back must be bent and the limbs slowly manipulated into the appropriate positions to get in and out of the bath , and down and up from the lavatory seat .
28 You had to go to a modelling school where you learnt how to get in and out of cars with your legs just so , so that nobody could see your knickers .
29 Thin strips of aluminium , bolted onto the midriff , successfully disguised the break in the casing that would allow the Operators to get in and out of their Dalek machines .
30 Now sometimes when archaeologists carry out the work they have to get in and out of a site really quickly .
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