Example sentences of "[to-vb] [adv prt] [noun] that [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 He argued that , to achieve that , one had to carry out policies that would eradicate the poverty , misery and difficulties facing those citizens .
2 One said , ‘ Being articulate and diplomatic and having saintlike patience and dogged persistence have become key attributes needed to prise out money that should be available as right . ’
3 Frank also gave Crawford the opportunity to dream up stunts that would put his previous daredevilry in the shade .
4 Those that have substantial incomes should not be in a position to take up houses that might otherwise be allocated to those on a lower income and Mr Mayor i as a result of this I feel that that I would urge this council , although I suspect I shall be unsuccessful , in supporting this motion .
5 The public sector is likely to throw up issues that may require the individual to go against the organisation 's instructions .
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