Example sentences of "[to-vb] [noun pl] [coord] [vb base] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Their bread and butter is reporting local events and local people and in a small community they are n't out to offend readers or cause major upset through distortion or misrepresentation .
2 A decorative horizontal panel of fabric usually attached to the top of the window frame , or just above , to hide rods and provide added interest .
3 Since then we 've had plenty of time to take stock , to get to know areas and compare different locations , ages and styles of house before making any decision .
4 Use Evo-Stik Flashband Flashing to repair cracks or replace damaged flashing .
5 the relative informality and openness of literature teaching , its disinclination to impose judgements or dictate pre-given conclusions , itself constitutes a determinate discursive regime , constrained by its own rules , limits and positionalities : a regime that can be characterised as " liberal " in so far as it imposes itself not by insisting on the positional authority of the teacher , nor by compelling assent to a given and explicit curriculum of knowledge , but by inviting a voluntary recognition of the existence , purpose and value of a " subject " : Literature itself .
6 Now that Libya has referred the matter to the International Court of Justice , will Britain desist from trying to get the United Nations Security Council to impose sanctions or take military action against Libya until the International Court of Justice has ruled on the matter ?
7 AS/SET WDK-U-generated AIX and Santa Cruz Unix applications will be consistent with the original AS/400 system , in both operation and appearance , the company says , obviating the need to retrain users or use separate development and maintenance staff for the Unix system — but the company does not say what database it uses on the Unix system .
8 Oyston kept close connections with local Labour parties , and helped with schemes to provide jobs and start small businesses .
9 Self-employed people will be able to purchase vouchers and receive similar tax advantages .
10 But at the same time , the self was complex enough to initiate actions and innovate new ideas .
11 After asking what they would like to drink , Vitor provided cut-crystal glasses of vinho verde , but his duties as host quickly took him away to pour refills and greet other arrivals .
12 This is the outstanding feature which has enabled the Unionist Party to create divisions and govern unchallenged since the foundation of the Northern Ireland Parliament …
13 This group of people met on a regular basis to coordinate services and discuss professional issues .
14 In recent years , all her wars had been frontier battles , fought round her coasts to repel raiders and oust alien settlements .
15 I seemed to hear trumpets and see colourful flags and standards fluttering in the sea breeze .
16 Buyers worked closely with suppliers , both new and established , to identify opportunities and develop exciting new Sainsbury brand products .
17 It was different from previous work in that main roads were to be included ; public transport as well as walking and cycling were to be considered ; and particular importance was to be attached to the attempt to lower costs and achieve area-wide benefits by applying fewer and simpler measures .
18 She had indeed once worked for a silversmith but had discovered that it was much easier to buy beads and acquire old pieces of jewellery , rearrange them artistically and sell them on market stalls throughout the country .
19 A further demonstration of 5,000 communist activists on April 12 called on Koirala either to lower prices and pay adequate compensation to the families of the dead , or to resign by April 27 .
20 And the government seemed to be growing up : when Russia announced it would start charging world prices for oil , the Ukrainian government , instead of moaning about injustice , said it was time to free prices and begin real reforms .
21 One can become very parochial in concentration on simply British concerns , so it was invaluable to hear presentations and discuss different educational perspectives within the action research framework .
22 Child abuse cases to be given priority to avoid delays and enable therapeutic help to be offered at the earliest opportunity .
23 At present it seems that they will wish to lead their own purchasing of intelligence and perform research analysis ; they should develop sufficient statistical and epidemiological skills to conduct surveys and evaluate small projects on service developments and contractual monitoring , and have the expertise to commission larger pieces of work .
24 use humour to ease tensions and maintain good relationships
25 When he was fully anaesthetized both an intravenous cannula and a central venous line were introduced to give fluids and measure central venous pressure during the procedure .
26 Michael Joseph , 24 , wants ‘ to manage bands and see British music recognised abroad ’ .
27 Where ordinary communication is not possible it may be necessary to use interpreters or employ alternative techniques such as sign language , braille etc .
28 And , to draw conclusions and generate testable hypotheses regarding the following :
29 The trunk is powerful enough to uproot trees or tear great limbs from their upper branches .
30 Where the land is badly scarred and broken , the simplest treatment is to plant trees and produce small patches of woodland .
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