Example sentences of "[to-vb] [adj] [noun] if [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Some of them used to wear normal clothes if they were going home afterwards , some would come in uniform but without their keys .
2 ( c ) Recognition of the need to perform remedial work if one recognisably infringes any of the norms which one intuitively regards as binding .
3 Those who lay claim to these rights and expect to have violations recognised and remedied , know that they undertake reciprocal obligations and will be expected to provide appropriate remedies if they are guilty of infraction , even if innocently .
4 Sometimes councils are reluctant to designate conservation areas if they feel the residents will object , but on the whole this is unlikely .
5 While still a minority , the group would be large enough to create widespread disruption if they could be mobilized collectively .
6 NACAB feels strongly about the suitability of their own training and the right of the school leaver to choose voluntary work if they wish without jeopardising their benefits .
7 That power goes far beyond that of water authorities in England and other utilities such as gas and electricity in Scotland , who must seek a way-leave and pay to cross private land if they want to lay pipes or erect pylons .
8 ( The Bank of England is normally only prepared to buy commercial bills if they have been accepted , i.e. insured against default ( ‘ underwritten ’ ) by an acceptance house or other recognized bank .
9 This was reinforced by the tendency of national governments not to handle unpopular decisions if they could be transferred to the High Authority for action .
10 B then would not find his claim inadmissible for failure to exhaust domestic remedies if his advisers thought that the House of Lords would not and/or that the Court of Appeal would have given judgment on the unresolved arguments .
11 You are better able to afford good wallpaper if you hang it yourself .
12 Th the reality is that elsewhere in West Sussex erm the business allocations are erm reasonably generous or indeed slightly over generous and er therefore er overall the concern i is very much reduced erm but it might also be just worth mentioning that erm although er there is clearly an opportunity for this committee , this planning authority , the strategic planning authority to , to question figures of this nature and to challenge local plans if they are significantly adrift erm that has to be done in the context of the the local plan enquiry by er in the form of an objection almost and past experience has been that the inspectors and the Secretary of State have allowed a certain amount of leeway depending on the erm proportional er deviation from erm th the figures that were in the structure plan and depending on what is happening elsewhere and on the state of the economy and whilst it would be something which erm it was possible to prepare a case for erm i it is o on , on the balance of erm er the various things that are , that are taking place in West Sussex that the recommendation i is , is put to you that and it seems to be the reasonable course of action , particularly bearing in mind the downturn in , in er erm the er business activity and the er amount of developments taking place .
13 Non-verbal language — the use of space , gesture , facial expression , the understanding of symbol — is a vitally important part of drama to which we have to give careful attention if we are going to develop our work .
14 Bankers retaliate by pointing out that accountants ' advice is invariably based on historic record rather than future possibility , and that it is impossible for them to give impartial advice if they have been auditing their clients ' books over the past years .
15 No there was er three lads in the double bed and er another two lads in the single bed in one room , and mother was in the front room of course she had husband in those days you see when we were growing up , there was a it was not unusual to sleep top-to- tail if we had any pals , if we had a party and we had any pals we 'd sleep top-to-tail one with a head at the bottom and others with their head at the top , sounds like something out of the Dickens when you start talking about it do n't it ?
16 This not only enables them easily to recheck particular information if they need to , but it also has the effect of encouraging them to consult a wider range of sources of information .
17 Rather than investing in a filter , it may be better to use bottled water if you are just avoiding tap-water for a few weeks .
18 Amateurs rather like to use wide planks if they get the chance , professionals are wiser and prefer narrow ones so that the movement at each individual joint is smaller .
19 The word ‘ mothering ’ is sexist in many contexts because it reinforces the ‘ natural ’ connection of women with children and childcare — a connection that feminists have criticised , since under our present social arrangements it has the entirely sexist consequences of defining non-mothers as non-women , restricting women 's opportunities to do other things if they wish , exploiting their unpaid labour and in some cases causing them to be seen as less important than the children they give birth to .
20 If you think that you have suffered as a result of sex or race discrimination , the Equal Opportunities Commission and the Commission for Racial Equality are in a position not only to advise but also , if appropriate , to give financial backing if there is no viable alternative to mounting a legal challenge to your employer 's behaviour .
21 A company is not entitled to file abbreviated accounts if it is , or was , at any time within the financial year to which the accounts relate :
22 He promised to keep in touch , to send monthly payments if he possibly could .
23 This indeed was a factor in hastening the decay of villeinage , because a man who was free would not wish to incur servile obligations if he took possession of land which had hitherto been burdened with them .
24 Perfumery is perhaps an even more ancient art than dyeing ; it is a more obvious constituent of a plant , so would have been experimented with earlier , to disguise bad smells if nothing else , such as those of rotting meat and decaying vegetation .
25 It 's not beyond the wit of the Tories to move in European people into the country , into this country in certain seats from the right in Europe to make sure those seats are won for them again , and I think it 's an extremely dangerous precedent to allow European voting if you 're not , if you 're just resident within Britain rather than a citizen .
26 It said another Kurdish refugee , Selahattin Ozberk , detained in Pentonville Prison , had good reason to fear ill treatment if he was returned to Turkey and should be granted refugee status .
27 Thirdly , a court might decline to allow judicial review if it thought that the alternative dispute-settling body possessed relevant expertise which the court lacked ; or , fourthly , if the case raised issues which could be considered by the alternative body but not by the court on judicial review ; or , fifthly , if the alternative body 's procedure was better suited to resolving the case than judicial review procedure .
28 Studies and personal observations by teachers , social workers and school medical officers during the war emphasised the children 's remarkable ability to maintain emotional equilibrium if they remained in the company of cheerful parents : a typical report by one school medical officer to the Board of Education stated :
29 A man 's allowed to have second-rate dreams if he feels like it .
30 Public health doctors are more likely to influence public health if they collaborate with the million or so people employed in the health service .
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