Example sentences of "[to-vb] [prep] his [noun sg] 's " in BNC.

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1 The exporter who has to plan for his company 's future in a climate of uncertainty about exchange rates is like the man forced to build his house on sand .
2 The envious man is obsessively drawn to see through his rival 's eyes , the cruel man is as sensitive to a sufferer 's feelings as the compassionate ; and both are disinterested , in that it does not matter to them whether any injury they do is of benefit to themselves .
3 The boy was a wicked little bastard , but he had the right to know about his mother 's illness .
4 In 1950 , he was Swiss sculls champion and finished third in the European championships before moving to Manila to work for his family 's private multinational company , Eduard Keller Ltd , for four years .
5 From his home in Worcester , Phil Ride says he 'll keep up pressure on the British Government to work for his brother 's release .
6 A funeral procession from the workhouse had had the temerity to pass through his Lordship 's private grounds , thereby producing feelings of outrage .
7 The requirement of knowledge in paragraph ( c ) is clearly of ‘ actual ’ rather than of constructive knowledge , though a person who ought to know of his animal 's vicious characteristics may , of course , still be liable for negligence .
8 That case involved a solicitor who was a salaried partner in the first of the firms involved in the case and an employee in sole charge of a branch office of the other firm giving undertakings to a bank to pay over certain funds which were shortly due to come under his firm 's control to the credit of individuals who were seeking loans from that bank , the undertakings being accepted as security for the loans .
9 However , just as we were all congratulating ourselves , the pattern changed and the child began to come into his mother 's bed .
10 The son of the Harijan village President , Sarat was then 18 and still at school , alternating between thoughts of a government job and staying in the village to work on his father 's land .
11 Early in September the four Thomas brothers were told to make ready for the journey home , where Ernest had to re-sit for his Teacher 's Certificate , and Edward was left with scarcely a month to reassure Helen of his faithfulness and to make his final preparations before beginning his historical studies with Owen M. Edwards .
12 Gavin Laird , the general secretary of engineering union , the AEU , will be in Darlington on Saturday 8 February to talk about his union 's plans for a merger with electrician 's union EETPU .
13 Another example of the importance of having time to say goodbye to the person who has died is that of a client I was working with who seemed quite unable to talk about his wife 's death and seemed totally unconcerned that she had died tragically .
14 He 's the leader of Tewkesbury Borough Council , and today too upset to talk of his granddaughter 's death .
15 What Britten has done , in effect , is to create in his audience 's minds another dimension in which an unseen but imagined space is felt to be lull of unheard but imagined music .
16 Dudley was officially to hear of his wife 's death the following day , when a messenger was despatched from Cumnor Place to Windsor Castle where he was with the Queen .
17 If things had been otherwise , perhaps that 's how he would have liked to hear of his son 's death .
18 A man was astounded to walk into his son 's bedroom and find him sitting playing chess with his dog .
19 He tried to shrink into his scholar 's stoop .
20 They were both so caught up in developments at Crystal Springs that it was sometimes hard for Christina to recall that Stephen still had a stake in a totally separate business empire in England — one that Robert seemed to be finding increasingly hard to administer in his partner 's prolonged absence , though Stephen still kept a very firm grip on English events from Barbados .
21 Might he perhaps been happier staying in Lahore to help in his father 's spare-parts business ?
22 The writer who seeks to control or dictate the responses of his reader outside the boundaries of the text itself , is comparable to a card-player who gets up periodically from his place , goes round the table to look at his opponent 's hand , and advises him what cards to lay .
23 John pauses to go into his father 's voice .
24 She conjured wonderful colourful pictures for a boy to see with his mind 's eye , her voice pure and confident , her memory pouring out hundreds of lines of poetry in a faultless , almost hypnotic flow .
25 The faithful Chignell had collected the luggage by this time , and secured two porters — one for Breeze and the other to cope with his employer 's paraphernalia .
26 Alex Macdonald , the hard-nosed manager of Airdrie , refused to apologise for his team 's performance in a midweek match against Hibs in Edinburgh any more than he had done after that bewildering semi-final against Hearts at Hampden .
27 My dad said he 'd buy me a ticket to fly back to England and David said that he 'd pay him back because he 'd be very happy if I could come back and help him as he did n't really know how to deal with his mother 's grief .
28 Here slobbish husband is obsessed with an ex-Nazi chanteuse ; one son is a dope dealer and the other likes to sleep with his schoolmate 's fathers ; her mother in law keeps a lizard called ‘ Money ’ .
29 So while his real need for me had something to do with prac-ticalities , he reinforced in me the sense that his need had something to do with his sister 's death .
30 He had asked the hotel for some black coffee before they set off and the management , knowing he was a doctor and that their sudden departure had something to do with his wife 's health , had been accommodating .
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