Example sentences of "[to-vb] [prep] [pers pn] [coord] [art] " in BNC.

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1 In 1850 she was noticed by the artist Walter Deverell , who asked her to sit for him and a group of young friends who were beginning to distinguish themselves as the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood .
2 Fergus had fallen back across the table and Taliesin and Fribble both moved to stand between him and the Lad .
3 Though this may sound childish — and I was in fact childish in many ways , as young women are who have never had to shift for themselves but have always had someone to stand between them and the world — it did , in fact , help me to behave better to Nonni , who was not stupid at all in matters of feeling , and easy to hurt .
4 Unfortunately Nut began to suffer from vertigo so Re provided pillars to hold her up and instructed Shu , the air , to stand between her and the earth .
5 ( 1986 ) and Morgan Klein ( 1985 ) describe convincingly the conflict which young people in residential care experience between longing for their parents to provide for them and the growing realisation that this may only ever be partial .
6 so let it come to pass for you and the manservant were yield so that particular was all about faith , so
7 Satan had swerved sharply to pass between them and the fence .
8 Rapturous as the circumstances of its conception may have been , the genesis as a whole could only , in retrospect , seem an extraordinarily painful business , as he intimated to Rohde shortly after the book was out : " No one has any idea how such a book comes into being : the trouble and torment it is to keep oneself as clear as this of other ideas pressing in from all sides ; the courage needed to conceive of it and the honesty needed to carry it through ; and above all , perhaps , my tremendous task vis-à-vis Wagner , which has certainly been the cause of many heavy clouds in my heart " the task of being independent even here , of taking up an , as it were , alienated stance . "
9 However badly she 'd behaved , it was my duty to stand by her and the child .
10 At one point , her sister , who was there with her , was almost asked to choose between her and the baby .
11 I was allowed to talk with her and the patients , those who could , whose faces had not been obliterated by burns .
12 ‘ Still , if there 's anything you want to talk about you 'll have to talk to me or no one . ’
13 The living may not want to talk to us but the dead await ! ’
14 The instruction books refer to it as a 2x2 rib but most people call it a 2x1 rib to differentiate between it and a true 2x2 rib , which we will come to late .
15 Algae and other weed in the canal shows it is not used too often and some patches grow right across although it is not hard to paddle through them and the lengths of wood and other floating debris .
16 We wondered how Pop was getting on in Mayrnyo without us , but dear Madriya and his wife had stayed to look after him and the soldiers .
17 In Mondano-in-Chianti three old men , busily engaged in sitting on a wall beside the petrol pumps , seemed to jeer at her and a child threw a small stone which rattled against her car bonnet .
18 All they could do was to look at her but no one could read Rose 's face and they turned back to their books .
19 There was a pair of cream jodhpurs and boots to go with them and a proper crash-helmet like jockeys used .
20 I did n't want anything to do with him or the tape .
21 ‘ I went to climb over it and the bloody thing twitched , nearly shit meself . ’
22 Afterwards she parted the curtains and came out naked to lift the unsleeping , finely aware child back into bed , to lie between her and the man lying open-mouthed in post-coital sleep .
23 The sky clears in the childbirth sequence because of Shatov 's sublime murmurings about the arrival of a new human being , but also because the midwife has her sleeves rolled up , because she is attacking a difficult and strenuous professional job , organizing essentials , masterminding the whole exercise , scolding Marie Shatov who allowed Shatov to get between her and the family in which she was a governess ‘ with the egotistical object of marrying you , laughing at the distraught husband on his knees unable either to bear the sound or block his ears before the birth ; and when all is tidied up , ‘ after some pleasant–es about ‘ the happy couple' ’ which were not without a touch of contempt and superciliousness , she went away as well satisfied as before . ’
24 Have to think about it but the name that immediately springs to mind for most of them is Russell Grant .
25 ‘ the basal reason for binding the creditor with equities arising from the conduct of the husband is that in substance , if not technically , the wife is a volunteer conferring an important advantage upon her husband who in virtue of his position has an opportunity of abusing the confidence she may be expected to place in him and the creditor relies upon the person in that position to obtain her agreement to become his surety .
26 I wrote a long time ago to his Department and asked it to move against him and the Department failed to do so .
27 you said , it was one in your purse to take with you and the one at , the bigger one at home .
28 What 's going to become of me and the boys , eh ? ’
29 Mont St Michel is known to have been disputed between Brittany and Normandy at about this date , and Robert 's fleet may from the first have been intended to operate against it and the Bretons .
30 The neighbourhood policeman attempted to speak to him but the child ran away .
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