Example sentences of "[to-vb] [prep] [pers pn] [prep] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 He had sent her , with Ned and the barmaids and Heaven knew how many others watching , to wait for him in his bed .
2 But , er , so hopefully Michelle will get this next Tracey 's position , and obviously sort of in in the meantime and providing her position comes up they are bringing in a Telesales County Secretary , which was n't gon na come in for about a year cos they wanted to sort of like , trial it , but now they 've decided if that 's what they want the position to do erm it 'll probably happen in the next two months and they said for me to go for it from our division , so I said right , okay .
3 What the experts want to know about you at your antenatal clinic Nancy Stewart
4 It is dealt with in detail here because visitors in search of out of the way spots are almost certain to pass through it on their way to Appenzell , or even to break their journey here .
5 Without another word he turned and strode towards the escalator , leaving Matchsticks to struggle after him with his heavy case .
6 The solution was to let her initiate everything , to allow her to come towards him in her own time .
7 But it is you I want to stand behind me at my coronation three days from now .
8 ‘ I want you to come with me to my castle . ’
9 ‘ No , you do n't understand , ’ she said irritably , ‘ I want you to come with me in my two seater kayak . ’
10 His great-nephew described how when at home on Sundays the Bishop would have twelve poor men and women to dine with him in his hall , ‘ always endeavouring while he fed their bodies to comfort their spirits by some cheerful discourse , generally mixt with some useful instruction .
11 Briefly she toyed with the idea of perhaps ringing Lubor Ondrus , of perhaps inviting him to dine with her at her hotel , and then asking him to approach his employer on her behalf .
12 When Duval was arrested in London , high society queued to commiserate with him in his cell .
13 D' you know that guy comes into my office about twice a day and perches on my desk like a bird of ill omen all ready to commiserate with me about my wretched lot ?
14 I mean I know through the summer holidays that I 've really got to get to work with him on his maths , likewise I know I 've got a lot of work to do myself for
15 I used to work with him in my mother 's shop — he worked there for twenty-five years , until he died a few years ago .
16 She 's going to work with you in your laboratory .
17 I 'd like you to stand with me as my best man .
18 For a moment — then the skylight in the beamed roof was flung up , and Frankenstein 's Adam came leaping down to stand before me in his wrath !
19 Finally , may I ask all hire car users to write to me with their comments on the use of a mobile phone .
20 Please feel free to write to us with your comments .
21 Having just read Joan Lafferty 's article on Cut and Sew , I feel inspired to write to you with my tip .
22 I shall contrive to write to you during my absence , to tell you what is in my mind and heart — and when in the summer we meet again , there will be further clandestine meetings , many joyful hours and reunions , I promise you .
23 Interestingly he 's talking about — this is written on the third of May , talking about the present splendid weather , which is , plus the recent report that too many British industrialists are making themselves ill because they do n't take their holidays has prompted me to write to you about our holidays .
24 You see , she expected so much , always had , and now she was expecting some miracle to come to her through her daughter .
25 In a way she was happy that Harry had chosen to come to her in his distress , yet it highlighted his attitude towards her .
26 He knew at once of a house to let for a whole year , the owners being abroad and failing to let it before they left last month and seeing my condition he took pity and had the caretaker prevailed upon to come to me at his premises .
27 to stand beside me with her colours brittling .
28 Derek Anderson , for example , showed considerable promise in a number of sports and was encouraged to work at them by his teachers , but , when asked whether he ever thought of making sport his eventual career , he replied :
29 It would be equally fatal to talk about it to her Auntie May .
30 Staring at him , at the strength , the energy that always seemed to radiate from him despite his easy , relaxed air , she did n't believe a word of it .
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