Example sentences of "[to-vb] [prep] [conj] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 And what they do , is they give them a couple of choices of bo , you know , hip joints to go for and the guy decides , the surgeon decides , does his job and then the kit goes back to the manufacturer again and then when the , another hospital orders it they make up a , another kit .
2 Nothing now remained to contend for but the possession of office : politics were reduced to a struggle between ‘ ins ’ and outs .
3 Sun Microsystems Inc chief executive Scott McNealy arrived at the SunSoft Developers ' Conference last week all spiffed up in a dinner jacket , wing collar , jeans and sneakers ; SunSoft president Ed Zander , a man with a tailor to kill for and the wardrobe to prove it , was quick to notice that McNealy was wearing a shirt with his initials on the cuff for the first time in his life — McNealy shot back that the ‘ SM ’ stood for ‘ Stop Microsoft . ’
4 SunSoft Inc president Ed Zander , a man with a tailor to kill for and the wardrobe to prove it , was quick to notice that McNealy was wearing a shirt with his initials on the cuff for the first time in his life .
5 I had more important things to worry about than the time . ’
6 It 's not other people , it 's not the problems that surround us , it 's not the people that we have to work with or the conditions in work , it 's not the next door neighbours , terrible though they may be , the real answer , for you and for me , lies within ourselves .
7 Any rock lying around on the frozen continent stands a good chance of being a meteorite as — the occasional ice-piercing mountain aside — there is nowhere else to come from but the heavens .
8 DRDA application programming interfaces are more complex to write to than the SQL Access Group interfaces , he says .
9 However , he declined to comment on whether the council was likely to change its mind about the scheme .
10 A spokesman for BT yesterday refused to comment on whether the company had received instructions to cut lines .
11 Whilst all of the guest rooms are furnished to the highest levels — model rooms were built for every member of staff to comment on and the opening was delayed by several months until things were felt to be completely right — the Amstel 's jewel in the crown is its Royal Suite .
12 Before long , a celebrity might find there is no time to tour write new songs or even go on holiday — there is still the charity compilation LP to complete , the three benefit gigs to appear at and the university talks tour to do .
13 Approval , in my experience , is usually somewhat easier to come by than the thing approved . ’
14 These agents are unfortunately fairly easy to come by and the Iraqis have already proven themselves to be masters of er subversive acquisition , er given that they are also now fired with a certain amount of fundamentalism , and should they find their backs to the wall , that even be accelerated .
15 In a recent well-publicised controversy a group of scientists claimed to have obtained results whereby water that once had a certain substance in it continued to behave as if the substance was present even after the substance had been removed ; as if the water retained a ‘ memory ’ of the substance .
16 The British were tempted to behave as if the disparity in power between the United States and themselves was only of the order of two to one when seven to one would have been a more realistic figure .
17 He managed to behave as if the politicians were fallible beings whom we hoped against hope to take seriously .
18 The English aristocracy have , it seems , rather less to answer for than the French ; they are merely as redundant as the dinosaur .
19 Manicuring is boring actually , but it was meeting all those people , there was always something interesting to talk about because the people were so knowledgeable and travelled … you get all the kings and dukes and lords .
20 For us lesser mortals a redfin of two-pounds remains the fish to aim for and the capture of just one can be the catch of a lifetime .
21 ‘ There is plenty of accommodation to choose from and the days when you were forced to pay lots of money for grotty rentals have gone . ’
22 At his trial , the judge rejected his submission that there was no case to answer in that the goods had been sold under a contract between the customer and the shop and that there had been no appropriation of property belonging to another .
23 He tried to remember what they used to listen to but the names that came were too embarrassingly ancient to be spoken in public , even to William .
24 Some people found the sing-song voice a barrier , and found the beginning and the middle easier to listen to than the end .
25 The CECOS surveyors tended to dwell on whether the houses were clean , well-kept and so forth .
26 It was almost , I ventured to suggest as if the agnostic were declaring ‘ Lord , I want to believe , but please cosset my unbelief , because the resulting tension is so delicious ’ .
27 It began to look as if the way was clear for members of the department to take any action they chose , in the sure knowledge that their decisions on how to deal with problems such as the W family would be implemented .
28 As at least four other Darlington Labour councillors have received Mr Major 's plea , a fifth of the ruling group , it begins to look as if the wheels may have fallen off the Conservative administrative process altogether .
29 Shrugging her shoulders , but trying to look as if the answer was ‘ hardly any time at all ’ , Liz said , ‘ However long it is , you 'll be able to see him regularly .
30 It begins to look as if the graptoloids could have been free-floating animals , of a kind without any living counterpart .
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