Example sentences of "[to-vb] [prep] [adj] [noun pl] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 He says they told us to wait for two hours which we did then they told us to wait another hour and a half .
2 Lithuania 's Supreme Council ( parliament ) on June 29 voted to suspend for 100 days its March 11 declaration of independence in order for negotiations to be held with the Soviet authorities on Lithuania 's future status .
3 Part of the field officer 's art is to display an understanding of each polluter 's problems , and to resist the temptation to treat as routine demands which may prove to be extremely onerous , particularly for one in an economically vulnerable position .
4 The Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis has been asked to look at the allegations and to arrange for certain persons who are said to be able to shed new light on the case to be interviewed .
5 One of them , a Sikh woman in her late forties , encouraged me to write about those duties which a husband should fulfil .
6 They will recognise it too in terms of higher charges than perhaps ideally we would want to impose for certain services which the city operates , whether it be sports pitches or whether to be brutal , it 's the cost of actually burying the dead .
7 the tendency to privilege the category of ‘ youth ’ , because , for some time now , young people have spent a disproportionately large part of their disposable income on leisure commodities such as records ; this leads to neglect of older age-groups who may use different musics and use them differently ;
8 The present reorganisation of the NHS , heralded by the White Paper Working for Patients in 1989 , marks another attempt to grapple with basic tensions which arise from its organisational form .
9 The FRED proposes that , where certain conditions are met , the maturity of liabilities should be assessed by reference to borrowings which a lender is committed to provide under related facilities which will permit the refinancing of the debt .
10 That er this group wanted to work with other groups which had n't come to an understanding .
11 Although the philosophical climate in the United Kingdom is right for such a development and the epidemiological background is well established , much more laboratory work is needed on the molecular genetics , enzyme function , gene transfer to human liver cells , and relevant liver cell biology if patients in the United Kingdom are to benefit from any advances which may occur .
12 New moves tend to come from middle-class artists who have had the opportunity to absorb a great deal early and feel sufficiently confident in an educational and financially secure context to move it along .
13 To do this successfully , the soldier had to be ready : he had to train in military skills which he might be called upon to use .
14 I thought it would be fun to discover from old volumes I possess how Punch handled the elections of 1906 , 1910 and 1919 .
15 It is perhaps remarkable how predictable ( though not exactly inflexible ) the operation of a modern airliner is , even to the extent of it being possible to know within small limits what the pilots will be doing at any particular time .
16 Right in the middle of the letter , we find today 's lesson , and Paul manages to slip in two verses which are — to use a twentieth century expression — mind-blowing .
17 An ultimatum issued by Gorbachev and Ryzhkov on April 13 ordered the Lithuanian Supreme Council to rescind within 48 hours its declaration of independence and all laws passed subsequently , or face economic sanctions .
18 Spearmen are particularly good in this role since they can bring an extra rank of spears to bear on any foes who charge them and this means that casualties suffered by the front ranks are less of a disaster .
19 In its first rôle , it has tended to concentrate on low-technology businesses which are managed with a close eye on reducing costs and generating cash .
20 Erm been tending to concentrate on specific things which you know stand a good chance of being on the paper , and even if they 're not will help you with others .
21 The council said the courses would be no more than half a full GCSE course , allowing pupils to concentrate on other subjects they choose .
22 Such investigations have tended to concentrate on linguistic traits which may not necessarily be artistically relevant , such as range of vocabulary sentence length or frequency of certain conjunctions on the principle that a writer 's genuine " thumbprint " is more likely to be found in unobtrusive habits beyond conscious artistic control .
23 To choose between individual partnerships which feed benefit into the school and large associations which have potential value for a larger community is a matter not of managerial choice from day to day but of planning and drafting at the level of the institutional development plan .
24 I think really they wanted just to get to the house something to talk about those days you see .
25 Though powerful and open to abuse , these authorities claim they can be offered to women as reproductive options , giving hope to the childless , to prevent unwanted pregnancies , and to screen for terrible illnesses it foetuses .
26 In the case of Japanese enterprise groups many of these hierarchical relationships are arranged through complex subcontracts and the extensive use of quasi-democratic work teams using horizontal relationships to substitute for functional arrangements which more typically are hierarchical in the modernist bureaucracy .
27 These are useful cautions ; like the programmed learning advocates before them , there is a tendency among many in the educational technology school to oversimplify , to brush aside difficulties , and to state as proven doctrines it will take many more years of experiment and experience to establish .
28 ‘ Although we have no mandate to talk for Scottish fishermen we are quite convinced that they too would want to continue exporting large amounts of herring to your country . ’
29 I 'm not going to behave like some councillors who seem to forget where they came from .
30 But it needs also to engage with those theories which deconstruct the distinction between the ‘ individual ’ and the ‘ social ’ , which recognise the power of desire and fantasy and the problems of supposing any ‘ original ’ unity in the self , while at the same time preserving its concern with lived experience and the practical and material struggles of women to achieve more autonomy and control over their lives .
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