Example sentences of "[to-vb] [prep] [noun] be to " in BNC.

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1 Mind belongs to a genus wholly superior to sense as man is to woman ; unblemished and purged … it is itself the most religious of sacrifices and its whole being is highly pleasing to God .
2 The main factor to remember about walking is to be aware of as much of your environment as possible .
3 Stallion is to mare as ram is to ewe .
4 Ewe is to mare as ram is to stallion .
5 Action to deal with offenders was to be taken on a voluntary rather than a court basis where possible .
6 A new Moneysavers magazine containing discount coupons to use in shops is to be launched .
7 What we have to do in Scotland is to be better than the good companies which are already here , provide better quality of service , better results , better creativity and better motivation .
8 To believe in God is to ‘ let God be God ’ .
9 Thus the teacher-in-role can decide from moment to moment whether to carry the burden of the pupils ' protection — ‘ My men ( a group of ‘ passive ’ children ) have this to say to you' is to be totally protective — or to remove that protection and hand over the power : ‘ My men have something to say to you … ! ’
10 In the debates over proposed changes to the criminal law , politicians continued to argue that to speak about sex was to corrupt .
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