Example sentences of "[to-vb] [prep] [noun] be [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Mind belongs to a genus wholly superior to sense as man is to woman ; unblemished and purged … it is itself the most religious of sacrifices and its whole being is highly pleasing to God .
2 He used to work in Lipton 's near the wool shop . ’
3 I said and he 's he 's only played with it about six or seven times so we 're gon na she told us to write to Hornby 's about it .
4 The first police dogs to come to Finland were in 1908 .
5 TED AND Callahan and I had agreed to meet at Jocko 's at 8.30 in the morning .
6 ‘ Tell him you are going to dine at Auguste 's before being taken to see La Traviata , ’ Madame instructed , ‘ by one of the richest and most influential men in Boston . ’
7 The main factor to remember about walking is to be aware of as much of your environment as possible .
8 Stallion is to mare as ram is to ewe .
9 Ewe is to mare as ram is to stallion .
10 The power to choose , the power to choose , well if the power to choose in politics is about the Labour Party choosing their own candidate for the by-election and then the National Party replacing that candidate , well that 's a Party I do n't want to be a party to and that 's nothing that we would ever stoop
11 It was a depressing start to Muck '89 , farming 's annual event where the latest technology to cope with pollution is on show .
12 The best way to let off steam is with people who love you and do n't judge you .
13 And , and , you know , they 've got paid youth officer 's working in Harlow , now they are , there are , they 're over they 're over stretched it 's true and , but we , I mean what were doing here is actually supplementing there service and were not meeting all , we would n't of erm meeting all the demands , but the important thing I think is that were continuing to erm , you know , were trying to do something about it , and one of the things that were trying to do as officer 's in the Local Government Unit is work with Leisure Services and get them to put more resources into doing things for young people .
14 I consider that Bingham L.J . 's rationalisation of the failure of Morris to disapprove of Lawrence is of some significance .
15 The question of how to deal with errors was at the heart of the debates in the central commission in the twelve months that preceded the Council .
16 Action to deal with offenders was to be taken on a voluntary rather than a court basis where possible .
17 A new Moneysavers magazine containing discount coupons to use in shops is to be launched .
18 Any entertaining I had to do in London was in the United Services Club .
19 What we have to do in Scotland is to be better than the good companies which are already here , provide better quality of service , better results , better creativity and better motivation .
20 To believe in God is to ‘ let God be God ’ .
21 Though delighting to read in Blackwood 's of the exploits of imperial heroes , the educated British public showed little personal inclination for service in the assorted white men 's graves which made up the tropical dependencies .
22 As my own children came along , they loved to go to Granny 's for treacle pudding !
23 which should be grate , because , he 's mum , I mean we love her dearly , but she has to go to Lenny 's in , dinner time and us in the evening every year
24 My old man said he 's erm , he used to go down to er , every , every sort of six months or so , cos they were in he was in charge of fucking then , he 'd used to have to go on manoeuvre 's about sort of six monthly or something like that
25 Most of the items to go on display were from the former WAAG collection , but a lot of money ( courtesy of a bank and the founders using their homes as collateral ! ) secured the former London Air Museum collection and this enabled a wide spread of exhibits to greet the public when TMAM opened-up in June 1982 .
26 What would a rational decision to live in Bali be like , if this is not one ?
27 He would soon use these newly acquired talents in the play Jimmy Shine , but the only time in which he has attempted to sing on film were in his two biggest turkeys — Who Is Harry Kellerman and Why Is He Saying Those Terrible Things About Me ? and Ishtar .
28 It was also cautiously convinced that the most promising way to think about memory was along the lines of Donald Hebb 's model , which involves changes in the strength of the connections between nerve cells , perhaps by growing new or enlarged synapses , and so altering the physiological relationships between neurons .
29 He was a follower of William Pitt and an acquaintance of Dr. Samuel Johnson ; he advised his son , Samuel the Younger , while the latter was still an undergraduate , that ‘ the respectable way to get into Parliament was by invitation , not by contention ’ .
30 The best way to get into Japan is through a decent unit trust , which will provide a wide range of Japanese shares for a lump sum or monthly instalment .
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