Example sentences of "[to-vb] [prep] [noun] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The whole system of things and people which surrounds us coerces us to be conformist ; even if you want to be a social rebel you will still have to go about things in a conventional way if you are to gain recognition and not be rated as insane .
2 a child in utero is to be treated as already born thereby having a right to sue for damages for the death of his father .
3 ‘ I consider that in enacting the Damages ( Scotland ) Act , parliament did not consider that it was making any change to the right of parents to sue for damages for the death of a child who had sustained injuries prior to birth , had been born alive and had subsequently died in consequence of these pre-natal injuries . ’
4 So confident was Sturt that a bountiful Garden of Eden existed somewhere in central Australia that in January 1843 he began to sue for funds for an expedition into the interior .
5 He reserved his deadliness for dealing with opponents in his own party , and had little to spare for use against the MacDonald governments .
6 Well a very close fought encounter at the stadium ; we had to wait for quarter of an hour for the first actual goal chance when Dave Bristow hit the ball from twenty five yards , which just cleared the bar .
7 We 'll have to wait for permission from the expatriate lady in Sweden . ’
8 Every time we go I have to wait for ages in the cold hospital wearing a scratchy towelling robe the colour of sick and drinking black coffee .
9 Members of the local black community were enraged by reports that the driver of the vehicle , Yoseph Lisef , 22 , who had sustained only minor injuries , was quickly taken away from the scene of the accident by a private Jewish ambulance service , whilst the more seriously injured children were left to wait for attention from a city ambulance crew .
10 Entrusting the decision in unfair dismissal cases to tribunals was a conscious decision designed to include as part of the decision-making process the industrial experience of employers and employees .
11 We also need to understand any terms and conditions you wish to include as part of the deal structure .
12 He was aware of how professional he must appear to her in his preparations for what she saw as killing and which he had been trained to see as protection of the innocent .
13 They continue to mourn for years after the death or loss of their love but their loneliness was just as real when their partner was alive .
14 It 's a handy program for anyone who needs to send a large variety of business letters and who does n't want to faff about thinking of the right thing to say .
15 As she prepares to go for gold at the World Cross Country Championships in the Spanish seaside town of Amorebieta , the South African could not help sadly recalling the drama surrounding the 1988 event which left her on the verge of a nervous breakdown .
16 you 've got to go for size of the
17 My parents went to visit the Rajput States while we boys continued to go for rides in the mornings and picnics in the afternoons .
18 But now they will be much more human beings like the people we meet in our lives than those stock response , cut-out figures like the Vamp and the Villain ( to go for examples to the world of Hindi films ) .
19 The Council of Licensed Conveyancers and the Institute are likely to go for approval at an early date ; it is unlikely , however , that any approvals will be given before the second half of 1993 .
20 Life became difficult in the erstwhile happy home and the unfortunate girl was only allowed to go for walks in the company of her parents .
21 the Board considers the B R employe employees who transfer involuntary involuntarily to the private sector should return an indefensible right to remain as members of the joint industry
22 He was due to remain as leader of the party until a successor was chosen at a leadership convention in Calgary on June 23 , 1990 .
23 It also suggested that he would be permitted to remain as leader until the completion of his first term in October 1991 , and would possibly achieve a second two-year term .
24 If there is an express prohibition on assigning the benefit it is important to distinguish between the benefit of the contract , namely the right of each party to have a contract performed in accordance with its terms , and the benefits which arise under the contract , namely those rights which arise incidentally from the performance of the contract and are sometimes known as the fruits of performance such as the right to claim for damages under the contract .
25 Police chiefs , who called a Press conference last night to appeal for help from the public , are baffled by the shooting .
26 The wildlife departments of the governments concerned are to appeal for funds at the March meeting of the UN Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species ( CITES ) .
27 Nothing daunted , Havelock Wilson , having just returned from his foreign travels , accompanied by Tom Mann , recently released from gaol following a term of imprisonment for inciting troops to mutiny , set off to visit four or five provincial ports , not only to appeal for funds for the London men , but also to persuade workers at these ports to join in and make the strike a national one .
28 Professor William A. Cassidy , of the University of Pittsburg , listening to Shima 's tale , resolved to search for meteorites on the other margin of Antarctica , near the US base on McMurdo Sound .
29 To search for meteorites among the dark cobbles and boulders of dolerite that abound in such areas would indeed be an unrewarding task .
30 An additional power is given by section 8 which allows an application to be made to a magistrate for a warrant to search for evidence of a serious arrestable offence .
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