Example sentences of "[to-vb] [noun sg] [noun pl] [adv] over " in BNC.

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1 We do think that there is a need to increase tax receipts further over the medium term from nineteen ninety five onwards by about one percentage point of G D P , about seven billion pounds .
2 The report also says that Intel is to release a revision of its Indeo video compression technology , which is claimed to increase compression ratios fivefold over the current version ( enabling one minute of video to be compressed into 1Mb of data ) .
3 Granting employers the ability to sack union leaders selectively over unofficial action was ‘ utterly offensive and would be opposed by most sensible managers .
4 Saunders is having to adapt its sales policy in order to reach its new customers : the company intends to run roadshow events all over the country to try to attract local buyers .
5 In the past year I 've been invited by many of you to meet branch members and to make shop visits all over the United Kingdom .
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