Example sentences of "[to-vb] [pos pn] [noun sg] [prep] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 I tried to lose my self in you as well .
2 Little hand cutters are OK , I tend to lose my temper with them , but pro-type jigs will give a much neater result .
3 Little hand cutters are OK , I tend to lose my temper with them , but pro-type jigs will give a much neater result .
4 I began to repent my parting with you .
5 Therefore , because it is unlikely that there will ever be revised editions , and because I should just hate to see my name on anything that could not be relied on , the probability is that the books will progressively be withdrawn from publication after a currency of a few years . ’
6 She began to climb the staircase , but I stopped her , saying : ‘ Miss Kenton , please do n't think me unduly improper in not ascending to see my father in his deceased condition just at this moment .
7 I could n't see whether the revolver was a replica or real , and I certainly was n't going to risk my life for what could have been a bag of pennies .
8 I had to restore my faith in myself .
9 It took me about ten days to work my way into it , after that I found it very acceptable .
10 From the time that I was about four , each fine weekday evening during the summer months , I trotted off to meet my father from his work at Farrs , the Coachbuilders in Brown Street .
11 Reason enough for me to try my luck with her . ’
12 On one occasion a man sat next to me and after a preliminary bit of footsie , he invited me to slip my hand into his pants .
13 So , do you want to know my theory about your mystery man ? ’
14 I 've done my best to square my conscience for your sake .
15 ‘ Today I 'm able to square my profession with my religious beliefs , which I was n't able to do when I left acting , ’ he explains .
16 . I was ill as well as desolate , and all I wanted was to hide my wretchedness from everyone . ’
17 I had hoped to hide my face behind my slate while Mr Brocklehurst was talking , so that he would not recognize me , but suddenly the slate fell from my hand and broke in two on the hard floor .
18 It was over a year before Charlotte was allowed to take her charge , a little boy called Edward , home with her to meet her family on her day off .
19 Finding that the recently established Queen Victoria 's Jubilee Institute of Nursing concentrated on urban areas , she persuaded its council to accept her association as its rural district branch .
20 Accordingly , the purpose of this book is to examine what the Scriptures , particularly in the fuller light afforded by the New Testament , have to teach about the Holy Spirit , and to relate their message to our own situation .
21 She hoped she was n't turning into one of those maniacs who murder people in order to establish their superiority over their fellows who say Please and Thank you and conform to the basic customs of society .
22 At the very extremes of this process , it means moving from a cursory skimming of a book in order to establish its relevance to your needs , and its scholarly stature , to a detailed appraisal of an historian 's interpretation of a particular point .
23 To foster in pupils a love of literature , to encourage their awareness of its unique relationship to human experience and to promote in them a sense of excitement in the power and potential of language can be one of the greatest joys of the English teacher .
24 Other evidence of this ambivalence concerns the way they treat young animals , raising them by hand inside the house to encourage their attachment to their owners .
25 They do n't appear to know their arse from their elbow , are neither sinister nor sugary , and even their ‘ rockin' ’ version of Barry Manilow 's ‘ Mandy ’ is really a homage to the Lemonheads and Teenage Fanclub , two bands who really know how to ruin a good song .
26 If a woman allows the Great Mother her dues — to establish her presence within her — she will make the transition into new or renewed motherhood more easily .
27 Westerners , who expect work to be as light as their skin , are vastly outnumbered by job-seekers from places like Iran , the Philippines and China , ready to try their hand at anything .
28 Many Christians experience them whenever they attempt to communicate their faith to their non-Christian friends .
29 She was embarrassed to discover her excitement at his nearness .
30 Mum , who was an intelligent woman , resented being stuck at home with two young kids , and used to vent her frustration on me and Jack .
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