Example sentences of "[to-vb] [pos pn] [noun sg] [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Suzie is n't — ’ she began belligerently , only to find her voice faltering to a halt as Rune , clearly oblivious to the start of her protest , swept his cool glance over her from the crown of her dark head to the sensible shoes on her graceful feet .
2 When this is the case the churches can ask to provide their material to add to the pack , and then ensure that they follow up with a personal call .
3 Governments and local authorities must help householders and industry to segregate their waste according to the composition of the materials .
4 This allows a court to adjust its decision according to the other party involved .
5 and er the people in the flat above us had to pass our door to get to them in the same way that we had to pass the people , tenants below doors to get to their accommodation .
6 He does n't have to pass our door to get the bus stop , he does n't have to pass our door to get to the schools
7 A castle garrison was sometimes glad to see their town reduced to ashes , reckoning that it simplified the task of defence .
8 This time last year the studios proudly produced an expensive list of star-packed sequels only to see their audience disappear to cheap films like Paramount 's ‘ Ghost ’ and Disney 's ‘ Pretty Woman ’ .
9 Activists in Haringey persuaded the council to suspend their commitment to go to full committee status , because a sub-committee could have a majority of non-councillors ; this would facilitate greater participation by members of the lesbian and gay communities , particularly those who were black , disabled or unemployed .
10 ‘ She came over to America to promote her book pretending to be royal and it is all rubbish .
11 Stan started to sell his fossil finds to the museum and with the money he earned he was able to buy tools and a microscope which gave him a further insight into the subject .
12 ‘ My wee cousin gets kept off on Thursdays to help my granny go to the shops .
13 It eventually capitulated days before the Panel was due to exercise its right to apply to the courts for a forced restatement of the accounts .
14 And watching Gordon Wilson 's maiden speech to the Dublin Senate , one reflected that he is probably the only man in Ulster who is able to announce his intention to talk to the IRA and who no-one would dare to denounce .
15 Any classificatory system you use to organise your essay has to be explained , of course ( e.g. divisions between historical periods need to be discussed and justified ) .
16 ‘ I was extremely happy living there and realised that if I was prepared to leave my home to move to America with Roy it must be love . ’
17 Sarah 's young sister Kate came in and offered to do her step dancing to one of the records .
18 The second is the position apparently preferred by the police itself : where it is not subject to the whims of party politics and can develop what it considers to be the best safeguard for the community — the professionalization of the police force , in other words , it wants to be regarded as a profession and , like the medical and legal professions , to be left to do its job according to its own discretion .
19 In March foreign carriers that use American airports were ordered to submit their security plans to the FAA , including plans for security at airports outside the United States .
20 I suspect that such things may gradually wither away , as members of staff are increasingly prepared to give their time according to the letter of their contracts and no more , and are increasingly expected to do so .
21 It was Thursday 5 September and he was about to leave his office to drive to Bramshill Police College to begin a series of lectures to the Senior Command Course when the call came through from the private office .
22 A second line of argument advanced on behalf of the doctor to justify his failure to accede to the request of his patient is that the doctor must continue treatment because to do otherwise would render him criminally and/or civilly liable .
23 Told him not to let his report run to more than it absolutely had to , and on no account to make a feature piece out of it .
24 In the case of a young puppy , one of the earliest requirements is to persuade your pet to respond to its name .
25 Now to be agile you 've got to be able to let your body give to gravity and then pull away from gravity , alternating very quickly er that gives you agility .
26 ‘ We need ’ , said Quigley , with deliberate , offensive clarity , ‘ to use our dwelling to talk to the Lord Jesus Christ . ’
27 ‘ You realise , do n't you , that it 's highly dangerous to leave your skin exposed to sunlight without some kind of covering ? ’
28 She retired before her husband , but continued to run her household according to her strict routine , while enjoying more of her own social life .
29 She had to stretch her neck to speak to him .
30 Again , they have to interpret their position according to their genetic programme and all these processes are controlled by genes , which still have to be identified .
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