Example sentences of "[to-vb] [pos pn] [adj] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I had not kept my old key , because I had hoped that my association with Cutwater Charters was done , so I was forced to carry my heavy pack into the tangle of dark alleys that lay behind the straw market and where I planned to find Ellen and borrow her key .
2 I am sure that all the people of Belfast would like to thank my hon. Friend for her comments .
3 It may sound a bit corny , but ever since I 've started to wear my traditional dress to school , I feel so much more comfortable .
4 Let's all have a laugh : I 'm going to suspend my regular practice of not naming the derelicts who write in to this page , and tell the world that your full name is
5 Actually I was calling to confirm my little trip with Erika tomorrow . ’
6 I know I 'd love to see my real name on the spine of a book . ’
7 When I was ten years old I was taken by my parents to see my first play at the Royal Theatre .
8 ‘ The only result is that a large heron discovered that when it activated the floodlight it enabled him/her to decimate my expensive collection of koi carp , brazenly standing in the middle of the pool at 10.30pm . ’
9 It was said there were some 40,000 Chinese in Chinatown , and I gravitated there to indulge my long-time love of the Orient .
10 It includes my CV , a forged testimonial from Mike Channon and the offer to work my first season for a ridiculous 70K a year .
11 She said , ‘ Do you think I 'd arrange to meet my own father in a place like this ? ’
12 The rest of the week I just sort of tidy round , dust , put the carpet sweeper over — that takes me till a quarter past three , when I go to meet my little girl from school , and I do n't very often get much done once she 's home …
13 I did not feel sympathetic towards Catherine , and certainly did not want to frighten my poor master by telling him she was ill .
14 I have tried to establish my own territory in the attic , outside the country of my ancestors .
15 I know I 'm in my mid thirties and ought to know my own mind by now , but I 'm scared of the commitment .
16 He would have been much surpris 'd to know my true Opinion on these matters , but I did not chuse to let him be so much familiar , I kept mum , and smiled and nodded as best I might , keeping my Thoughts to myself .
17 Aunt Kit never wrote , it would have shamed her to write my married name on the envelope , but she knitted for the baby , strange , holey garments that stretched to a huge size when I washed them , big enough for a prize boxer .
18 Now I am off to write my sonorous senselessness in prose .
19 As I did not now want her to guess my real reason for keeping quiet on this other matter , I used the truth , if not all the truth .
20 I give thanks to the Lord that he has seen fit now to bless my long devotion to the wind .
21 Having criticized the limits of the antiracist account of racism , this is an appropriate point at which to explicate my own conception of racism and to indicate why I think it is more persuasive ( cf.
22 I had once taken hold of a piece of rock , and was about to trust my whole weight upon , it , when it loosened from its bed , and I should have been sent headlong to the bottom had I not instinctively snatched hold of a tuft of grass , which grew close by it , and was so firm as to save me .
23 I was recently diagnosed with a malignant tumour and expect to observe my 42nd birthday in hospital .
24 This was not how I wished to catch my first sight of the fabled city of Lazarillo de Tormes and of Gil Blas , who in Le Sage 's novel made the journey to Salamanca only from Oviedo in the north .
25 Since this situation is likely to continue for the foreseeable future , professional social workers and social work educators need to modify their profession-centred view of service provision in order to make the best use of available personnel .
26 But given the reluctance of businessmen , their legal advisers , and their legislatures to modify their national law in favour of harmonization measures it is perhaps worthwhile restating the advantages of harmonization .
27 On the other hand , princes felt free to vent their own anger in ways which they now blocked to others .
28 The difficulty is that every handful of weed that 's pulled out is likely to contain its fair share of aquatic creatures too .
29 Though there is much evidence to indicate its increasing popularity as a news medium , radio 's impact on the popular press has yet to be taken into account when examining this period .
30 Gillian arranged to meet her first date in Leicester Square .
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