Example sentences of "[to-vb] [subord] [pers pn] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Give me your parole until I return , and you shall be free to go where you choose about Parfois , and free to use this tracing-house .
2 He did no wilful damage but regarded himself as entitled to go where he wished for the purpose in his mind without regard to the rights of ownership and the alleged presence of man traps and spring guns .
3 ‘ You might own this place , Miguel , and you might have the right to stand where you like on it , but you 'll never make me pleased to see you ever again .
4 Surely no civil servant had more unique or peaceful surroundings in which to work than we did on this day .
5 Each goal is planned for a week but some may possibly require longer ; our dieter will have to take extra time if it is taking her body longer to adjust than she anticipates at the start .
6 Mr Ashdown reaffirmed his willingness to be flexible and to compromise if it came to negotiating with a minority government of either hue .
7 But then again , how is the individual management to know if it happens to be one of those which ought to acknowledge a responsibility to maintain or lower prices , or whether it is one of the lucky ones which can be let off that responsibility ?
8 The medical staff would like to know if you suffer from any physical disability or illness such as asthma , diabetes or epilepsy .
9 ‘ It would be helpful to know if you wish to be kept in touch with developments . ’
10 In the same way , you need to know if he wants to be Prime Minister — would you be happy being a high-flier 's wife , with all the pressures that can bring ?
11 but as I was saying erm , it was erm when you think I sort of tend to worry if I see like Neville you know
12 It is assumed by the survey , and accepted by most historians of the period that married women with children did not go out to work unless they had to .
13 Different species often do not get a chance to interbreed because they live in different geographic areas , or in different localities within an area ( one species at the tops of trees , the other on the ground , for example ) , or they might be active at different times of day .
14 ‘ My husband was made redundant and I went out to work while he stayed at home to do the chores .
15 Students may use this form to indicate whether they wish to be awarded a certificate or DipHE as a terminal or intermediate award and may even indicate the order in which their two fields are to be listed on their transcript and CNAA parchment .
16 Students use Form M39 to indicate whether they wish to be awarded a BA or BSc should there be a choice because they are taking two neutral fields or a combination of arts and science fields .
17 This distinction has to be expressed morphologically , by adding a suffix to a noun or by changing its form in some other way to indicate whether it refers to one or more than one : student/students , fox/foxes , man/men , child/children .
18 It is the way they know they have to pass before they come to the triumph of Easter .
19 In this chapter I discuss what we need to know before we start on our travels , which I call examining the context of the curriculum and Malcolm Skilbeck refers to as ‘ situational analysis ’ .
20 No , Olive that used to work when I worked for Laura Ashley 's
21 It 's important to work when you feel in the mood . ’
22 ‘ What makes Worsdale 's work so interesting to you ? ’ he wanted to know as they walked through the gallery , passing among the tourists and the students and the other visitors .
23 UI and X/Open were due to meet as we went to press .
24 If we fail to do so , economic policies will remain more show than substance and the unemployed , the low-paid and others on low incomes , as well as manufacturing industries and small businesses , will continue to suffer as we lurch from one recession to the next .
25 It may be that none of these incidents , taken by itself , would be very significant , but the cumulative effect of them supports the view that the plaintiff and her husband subordinated their own interests to the wishes of the deceased … the plaintiff 's acts went well beyond what was called for by natural love and affection for someone to whom she had no blood relationship , and both she and her husband made it very clear in their evidence that there was no great love and affection between her husband and the deceased , and that he was only willing to pay for meals that the plaintiff provided for the deceased and to work as he did in the garden of the cottage because of the expectation that the deceased 's estate would in due course pass to the plaintiff .
26 In turn , these two characteristics permit hierarchy to meet four of any organization 's fundamental needs : to add real value to work as it moves through the organization , to identify and nail down accountability at each stage of the value-adding process , to place people with the necessary competence at each organizational layer , and to build a general consensus and acceptance of the managerial structure that achieves these ends .
27 A much quoted observation by one grand old man of German science policy , Professor Heinz Maier Leibnitz , points out that German researchers who have done well in stints in the US tend to stagnate when they return to the German system .
28 Eddery had been ‘ seen briefly , ’ but refused to comment as he left for Kempton 's evening meeting .
29 However , new things were to come as we departed on the tiny ferry to Værøy , the penultimate island in the Lofoten chain .
30 They were the first big fish I tried to catch when I decided to be more selective with my fishing , and when I did catch a big chub on my first attempt it set the scene for my present angling outlook .
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