Example sentences of "[to-vb] [coord] be [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The doctrine , which may be concerned with national liberation , the emancipation of a class , the emancipation of women or some other general aim which is felt to be important by large numbers of people , has also to include or be founded upon a social theory which can elucidate the principal issues , clarify the objectives and ways of attaining them , and outline alternative forms of society .
2 To claim that 1 know that my postal code is NW3 2RT is evidently to claim or be committed to more than that 1 believe it .
3 It is to claim or be committed to the fact external to me that my code is NW3 2RT .
4 The report and accounts are sent to all shareholders and loan stock holders of the Company , but only the holders of ordinary shares in the Company are entitled to attend or be represented at the above meeting .
5 In such circumstances , one or more persons may be appointed to sue or be sued in a representative capacity as having a common interest with all other persons ( Ord 5 , r 5(1) ) .
6 Or will the people discover the lie and then be less ready to accept and be guided by his rulings than if he had been more open from the start ?
7 Word Up Women 's Cafe offers a space for new and established woman writers to come and be heard in Hackney — so come and listen , the first Fri of every month — for details phone 071 254 9632
8 We advertised by personal contacts and through the media — the local TV , radio , and press — for potential bilinguals to come and be tested with a view to training them as interpreters .
9 Abbott became one of the founding members of the Open Door Council in 1926 , dedicated to securing that ‘ a woman shall be free to work and be protected as a worker on the same terms as a man … and to secure for a woman , irrespective of marriage or childbirth , the right at all times to decide whether or not she shall engage in paid work ’ .
10 It was a pleasure to meet and be enrolled by you at the W/W Show and I 'm glad that the Fellowship is going to be just that .
11 In an article in the British Journal of Religious Education in 1989 , Nicola Slee notes that in practice , There is little respect for the claim of religious believers that it is a lifetime 's work to come to know and be possessed by ( note , not to possess ) the truth of even one tradition .
12 The important thing , the only thing that really mattered to her in those tense and anxious moments , was to reach and be united with Edward …
13 We have talked in this book about the bereaved person 's need to talk and be recognized as someone having a mourning role , but if few people know us anyway , they are less likely to be aware of the major change in our life and we are less likely to feel able to talk to them about it .
14 He was barely eighteen , he was to go on a tour of the fabled cities of England ; he was to be thrown in with chorus girls , drink with vagabonds of the stage , have the money for floozies and low bars , time to read and time to talk and be praised for doing this stage work which was not work at all .
15 The Lord Chief Justice , Lord Lane , who at one time rejected an appeal against the conviction of the Birmingham Six , is to retire and be replaced by Lord Justice Taylor .
16 The low royal turnout was a disappointment to some race-goers who travelled to Ascot in droves dressed in their finery to see and be seen at one of the greatest annual events of the high society calendar .
17 Yet the facade of high fashion was highly developed by the time of his death ; there were over three miles of carriage road along the cliff top and a promenade at the foot for the elegant and aspiring to see and be seen during the height of Brighton 's mild winter and spring seasons .
18 We see action in one area not as self-contained or hermetically sealed , but as spilling over to affect and be affected by what goes on elsewhere under the same roof .
19 The marks of a corporation are : perpetual succession , i.e. the death or withdrawal of members , or the addition of new members from time to time , does not impair the continuity and identity of the body : ‘ in like manner ’ , as Blackstone says , ‘ the river Thames is still the same river , though the parts which comprise it are changing every instant' ; the use of a common seal as evidence of at least the more formal acts of the corporation ; and the capacity to sue and be sued by its corporate name .
20 All companies have the capacity to acquire rights and to enter into obligations , to own assets , to make contracts , to sue and be sued in their own name ; and there is no ultra vires rule .
21 Long may it continue to prosper and be recognised as a successful , hard working and happy mill — and one with which our customers enjoy dealing .
22 We do not want every child to become an artist — heaven forbid , but we do want every child to grow and be enriched by his imaginative experiences , and the study and observation and attempts at expressing these , in colour and form , is one way for him to do this .
23 Candidates must have a high motivation to publish and be prepared for exciting teamwork .
24 One interpretation of mental breakdown is that it is an attempt by a disturbed mind to create a breathing space for reassessment and balance ; for conflicts which have been suppressed to emerge and be dealt with .
25 Pupils want to be told what to do and be directed towards appropriate tasks .
26 Certainly no American text of the sort I am discussing was ever written for black people — no more than Uncle Tom 's Cabin was written for Uncle Tom to read or be persuaded by .
27 And I believed that this world of darkness and changing images went on without a break , as unceasingly as the other less real one outside , wherever outside was , and by some unlikely philanthropic gesture of the city corporation was allowed to co-exist and be connected by the little dark doors with dark portholes .
28 It might be thought that , in such an event , a jury ( or magistrate , should the defendant elect summary trial ) , will find that the language is , at least , insulting to those likely to read and be offended by it , and could enter a convention on these grounds .
29 Without the crosspiece the considerable force of a horse charge would mean that the weapon might be impossible to reclaim or be pulled from the rider 's control after striking .
30 That is n't as in predicted number of additional car journeys or people wishing to go to Heathrow , so what is actually suggested by the Liberals is that the those additional people are going to arrive and be serviced by terminals which are out of date and they wo n't actually have the facilities th that are required .
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