Example sentences of "[to-vb] [coord] when [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Her explanation : ‘ He was going to tour but when it got closer he realised he did n't want to .
2 He waited for him to answer and when it became obvious that he could n't the older man voiced what he hoped was true .
3 But Jenna was too lost to reality to answer and when he unfastened the buttons on her blouse and found the high , taut peaks of her breasts she tossed her head from side to side in delight as his lips caressed them .
4 They say that it 's easy to denigrate but when you hate as much as JOHN BITUMEN the problem is one of selection .
5 When Wilson was obliged to rest on the stairs , they both begged her not to continue and when she insisted went either side of her , helping her along .
6 I will write again as soon as Ferdinando hears he is to go and when I do you must prepare Oreste for the change Ellen so that it is not sprung on him .
7 I fetch them all in , stick them on clothes horse , they 're all round fire while I 'm on lollipop and then nip to shop and when I come in within half an hour they were bone dry .
8 The first was a training pack of twenty units designed for individual boards to use and when they saw fit .
9 Actually it started to rain and when we had just got in the then we had to get out again .
10 All he had done was what she had told him to do and when he phoned from the motorway to tell her he 'd done it she 'd gone mad !
11 To an extent you 're your own master … you can decide what you want to do and when you want to do it … it 's not like being at work when somebody rings you up and you 've got to go down and see them or you 've got to do this and that within half an hour .
12 A bit slow to start but when it got going it was outstanding . ’
13 So it 's a very great honour and privilege for me to address you today because at the end it may be difficult for you to understand but when I return to South Africa , and forgive me for speaking personally I also realize the full meaning of the support of British trade unions and the labour movement and the churches because it was because of your political material and particularly in the case of the G M B , financial and material support that it gave us the means to do what some of us wanted to do about our country and our situation , and bring about change if we could peacefully .
14 I feel that this is a difficult poem to understand but when it has been read a few times the meaning becomes clear .
15 The psychologist commented that Balbinder had liked having a reading book and clearly wanted to read but when it came to reading he did not understand what he was doing but relied on guessing .
16 However , he was soon allowed to re-open and when he died in 1769 left a thriving business for his son and nephews to manage .
17 Wait a minute we 've got to light th before we start everybody 's to sing and when I cut the cake , the pink bit is decoration so you do n't eat the pink bit but you eat all the rest of it , alright ?
18 She has just under £1 billion to spend and when she wants to go to the zoo she can chose between the two Christina and her husband Thierry bought for her .
19 The most difficult thing is to know when to stop and when I feel as though the painting is nearly there I usually stop , make myself a cup of coffee , and contemplate what I have achieved from the comfort of a kitchen stool .
20 There was only the I was going to say but when they had w oh when I was in the I went to evening classes to learn Pitman 's Shorthand .
21 Scarcely had he begun when Claverhouse ordered him to rise and when he did so , 6 soldiers were ordered to shoot him .
22 Which is a nice promise to make but when you 've got so many thousand houses to get through it took about six months to set the scheme up .
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