Example sentences of "[to-vb] [coord] [vb mod] [not/n't] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 The next day Giovanna came to work and could n't stop herself weeping .
2 The chant was so beautiful Athelstan stopped , closing his eyes to listen , until a rough-mouthed carter flicked his whip , bellowing how some men had to work and could n't laze around like stupid priests .
3 Not only could I not do it but the effort was so excruciating that I opened my mouth to scream and could n't breathe enough for that either .
4 ‘ He tried to communicate but could n't find the language , ’ Richard says .
5 He hoped she had made up her mind to talk and would not make him lose valuable time persuading her .
6 Most people in Roi Et have no money to deposit and can not borrow from banks because they lack collateral .
7 He may come to shoot but wo n't need to speak with Tom .
8 ( 1 ) If there is a residence order in force relating to a child and the " residential parent " agrees to the provision of accommodation , anyone else with parental responsibility is powerless to object and can not remove the child .
9 It was my staple carbohydrate , eaten either as a snack or main meal — it needed no cooking , was light to carry and would not go stale , but provided energy , protein and roughage .
10 All those people who criticise these young girls and say they wo n't be able to cope and wo n't make good mothers ought to come in here and look at them now because they were absolutely fantastic with those children .
11 This will ensure that when the invoices are received they will be relatively easy to code and will not need splitting between different cost centres .
12 He started to smile and could n't stop .
13 Officials in charge of the roads in California and Texas say the material , called epoflex , is difficult to apply and may not do the job intended .
14 9 ) Polyurethane varnish would be suitable because it is hard wearing , easy to apply and wo n't cover up the grain of the wood .
15 Soldiers and police tried to help but could n't save the singers .
16 People rushed to help but could not reach the dead couple .
17 One the principle that ‘ children themselves often know what they need in order to heal but ca n't say it in words ’ , there are some lively activities to pursue .
18 All the evidence to date — and there is a considerable body of it by now — shows that physical methods of punishment ( the deliberate infliction of pain on the child ) may for the time being suppress the behaviour that it is meant to inhibit but will not form character .
19 And finally , a pensioner with a passion for rock music is trying to retire but ca n't find a budding impressario to take her place .
20 Psychologism , through its influence in marriage guidance and churches , and also through its effects in the world of work — in personnel management , for example — is able to link the two spheres in a way religion used to be able to do but can not do any longer .
21 It costs a fortune to run and can not have many years left before scrapping , anyway .
22 Answer guide : In this case the future benefit to be obtained is difficult to judge and may not exceed the rental .
23 Section 7(1) stated ‘ The provisions of the Act or order by which the land is authorised to be acquired , or of any Act incorporated therewith , shall in relation to the matters dealt with in this Act , have effect subject to this Act , and so far as inconsistent with this Act those provisions shall cease to have or shall not have effect … ’
24 I once sat on a Labour-controlled council which went out to tender and would not accept the lowest tender because it did not come from a direct labour department .
25 Distributed graphical applications will be far more difficult to develop and will not integrate with existing applications .
26 If software applications were to include their own specific operating systems they might well be more efficient , but they would be unwieldy , expensive to develop and could not interact with other applications or with the variety of computer hardware designs .
27 The press therefore has a field day , the Labour Party is diverted and distracted and all the politicians have joined a family squabble on an alleged matter of vital principle , but it is all to do with power within the Party , so we are entirely diverted from the questions we ought to face but can not face up to .
28 Only the suspicion that he had something important to say and could not work around to saying it kept her out there with him .
29 That said , we have seen so many people in recent months who wanted to move but could not do so until they knew what was going to happen to their take-home income . ’
30 Using the best of the season 's fruits we 've put together a delicious array of puddings that are easy to make and wo n't pile on the pounds .
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