Example sentences of "[to-vb] [coord] [pers pn] had [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 It was very , very difficult for them , they had to come and they had to find the , the actual crash , and it was an appalling position to get to , erm , the efficiency was splendid .
2 Before I had been there a month my eyes began to suffer and I had to start wearing glasses for close work .
3 ‘ I said some time ago that there was a mile to go and we had to go half a mile each , and the Community went more than its half a mile .
4 She had to go and she had to go and live with them he could n't get married without .
5 We 'd hardly gone half way when it began to rain and we had to run the rest of the way to queue under shelter .
6 They expect you to get on They tell you what to do and you had to make the best .
7 Then she asked me what I was going to do and I had to say I wanted to go with her .
8 Then his leg began to hurt and we had to stop to rearrange the straw and blanket .
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