Example sentences of "[to-vb] [coord] [pron] [vb past] the " in BNC.

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1 I asked my neighbour to turn down her records as I found it impossible to concentrate and she said the only way she could cope with the stress of her reality was to blast her music .
2 The lure had been too compelling for Heather to resist and he had the photographs to prove it .
3 He told me where to go and I left the room with relief .
4 Ten yards to go and he heard the driver of the Discovery accelerate away from the roadblock .
5 It was hard to see and he touched the stones as he walked along by the wall .
6 The bubbles of foam trembled to mist and I sensed the house become dangerous , a mirage to my eyes .
7 It was said loud enough for Therese to hear and he had the satisfaction of seeing a slight flush creep over her face .
8 In 1894 he went to Oxford University as a non-collegiate student but ill health caused him to leave and he spent the year 1895 acting as tutor to an English family in Odessa .
9 She wanted to cry and she imagined the tears flowing down her cheeks and dripping on to her jersey and how he 'd probably say that she should go somewhere else to cry .
10 The years reeled back , her old saggy breasts seemed to respond and she crossed the room without realising it , wrapping both her children in the Chinese spread and taking them into her arms like a mediaeval St Anne with Virgin and Child .
11 The thought of him being ten years old made the children want to giggle but they bit the giggles back .
12 Eventually it dawned on me that he was n't going to change and I had the choice of either leaving or learning to live with it .
13 But this struck at the very heart of what Laura was hoping to achieve and she quashed the suggestion with ferocity .
14 I was too scared to reply but I opened the door anyway and hid behind it .
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