Example sentences of "[to-vb] [coord] [pron] had a " in BNC.

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1 Rain wanted to persist but she had an appointment to keep .
2 She took me to meet the Fellowship she helps to lead and we had a lovely time of worship together .
3 So that 's me got four and I 've got another five to do and I had a telephone call from field controller in Edinburgh last night and I really do think I do n't know how I managed to keep my tongue still .
4 This was my favourite song as it was quite easy to sing and it had a stirring , catching rhythm .
5 It started nineteen seventy one or seventy two , it must have been , when my predecessor and I were sat down , and we said what about a band , they all said , what band , well let's have a band , and and it started just like that , and we , we managed to get the whole of the brigade alerted to it , and we had a meeting at headquarters , to which about forty or fifty people turned up , of which two had probably blown a an instrument in the past , and there was enough enthusiasm to learn and we had a , a chap who was a musical teacher in town who was would happily teach our people you see and so we went out , we had a penny , with no help from the authority or anybody else and we got every type of brass instrument for a band on tick and we said we 'd pay for it , and er
6 And the supporters been treating me well , the promotion been treating me well , so obviously I never really wanted to move but we had a few problems with the negotiating with the contract and the financial terms was n't quite right so but I 'm glad to say we 've got it right now and you know we both sort of gave a bit and we came to a settlement er which I 'm very pleased about .
7 Change the observations you were going to make and you had a new situation , even if the system to be observed remained the same .
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