Example sentences of "[to-vb] [coord] [verb] [pron] into " in BNC.

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1 Hindus revere nature but never feel any need to marshal or mould it into a design of their own : a banyan tree will almost be encouraged to spread its drooping creepers into the middle of any village market , or to block any backwoods track .
2 And in what might have proved a momentous extension of this diplomatic sequence , it was at Hendaye that in 1940 , after the fall of France , Hitler met Franco , to try and talk him into joining in the war on the German side against the British .
3 okay , do n't take too much , and that is to first make a literal translation and then , to try and put it into idiomatic English .
4 He 's going to try and get me into Combe Court .
5 Which would then expel the market traders and I think the i well the ploy was to try and get them into some of the er the vacant lots in within the Ellesmere centre .
6 and take an extra dose at night to try and get you into a sleep so we can get you back into sleeping rather than up prowling about during the night , cos it does no good at all .
7 Before his last throw of the dice he had been hanging on at Etten in hopes of a visit from Mauve , who had half promised to come and initiate him into ‘ the mysteries of the palette ’ .
8 After I turned the engine off and opened the door , I found my legs had turned to blancmange and moulded themselves into a sitting position .
9 She was too exhausted to resist and showed them into the living room .
10 But we had to go and take it into his culler I had one day at that , I thought I thought I 'd had enough coal .
11 His suggestion that one is always ‘ at liberty to go and incorporate himself into any other community , or to agree with others to begin a new one … in any part of the world , they can find free and unpossessed ’ has been ridiculed , and is even less plausible now than when he made it .
12 I find the textual basis for this interpretation very flimsy , in fact there is clear erm erm erm textual evidence for precisely the opposite and let me cite erm one instance Locke is here talking about tacit consent and the purchase of property and erm he says whenever the owner who has given nothing but such a tacit consent to the government will by donation , sale or otherwise quit the said possession , he is at liberty to go and incorporate himself into any other commonwealth or to agree with others to begin a new one in any part of the world they can find free and unpossessed whereas he that has once by actual agreement in any expressed declaration given his consent to be of any commonwealth is perpetually and indispensably obliged to be and remain unalterably a subject to it and can never be again in the liberty of the state of nature .
13 A basic principle is to try out the things you think you are most likely to enjoy and to incorporate them into your routine on a long-term basis .
14 The Varga Plants , a wound from whose thorns replaces a man 's thoughts with an overwhelming urge to kill and turns him into one of themselves , grow naturally only on the planet whose laboratories have developed them : Skaro , home of the Daleks .
15 The building on its other side the Theatre has raised £230,000 to buy and convert it into dressing rooms , store rooms and even a rehearsal room in the attic .
16 We 're not expecting trouble from them and we 're there to help and direct them into the areas where they can get into the ground .
17 Sometimes they can be given a lump of clay that is too heavy for them to lift and they will gain new experiences as they try to mould or divide it into pieces of a manageable size .
18 She had soaked the leather to bend and shape it into the form of a small shoe , but her hands were sore and her back ached and she wondered briefly if there might be an easier way of making a living than the trade her father had chosen for her .
19 People who had psychosomatic complaints were probably malingering ( if male ) and hysterical ( if female ) , and the appropriate treatment was a stiff talking-to , designed to exhort or scare them into ‘ stopping all this nonsense ’ and ‘ pulling themselves together ’ .
20 It is impossible to force or encourage someone into a different sexuality from that which pertains to them . '
21 For large tensile specimens most test machines use swivelling or gimbal grip mountings to avoid such effects of non-axiality , but when small specimens are used , of a few millimetres in cross-section as is common with polymer tests , axiality may become more difficult to achieve because the mass of the swivelling grip requires considerable stress to rotate or move it into the axial position .
22 According to FMLN sources , the plan envisaged giving the guerrillas full administrative control over their zone in a " transitional period " , until peace talks produced a final accord which would allow them to disarm and convert themselves into a purely political movement .
23 Modernization eventually takes away children 's ability to earn and turns them into a cost as they need education to earn as adults .
24 She returned from that visit almost sprightly ( desperate ? ) in her attempts to please and to ingratiate herself into the household .
25 ‘ You know how long it takes you to wash and get yourself into bed , Beth reminded her .
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