Example sentences of "[to-vb] [noun prp] [conj] [verb] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 Twice the Nigerian failed to see team-mates better positioned to worry Goram and preferred to try shots of his own that were blocked .
2 Apparently Alfonso came to visit Richard and agreed to stand surety for his friend 's behaviour , guaranteeing that he would do nothing against the will of the Duke of Aquitaine or his father .
3 New chairman James McAdam , brought in to replace Ratner and try to halt diving sales , said yesterday : ‘ Adverse publicity after the conference contributed to the particularly poor performance of the 250-shop chain ’ .
4 Mohamed Ali had both established the last of the numerous alien dynasties to rule Egypt and begun to lay the groundwork for a modern state on European lines .
5 The South Ossetian parliament voted to leave Georgia and apply to join Russia , ITAR-TASS reported on Nov. 19 .
6 Diplomats at 26 Kuwaiti missions continue to defy Iran and refuse to move to Baghdad .
7 She turned back to face David and hated to see a reflection of that bitterness in his blue eyes .
8 At lower Sharpnose , Paul Twomey has climbed an obvious rising traverse of the south face of middle fine , starting as for Coronary Country , joining Fay at the spike , moving down to join Pacemaker and continuing to finish as for Break On Through .
9 Corbett nodded at the two hard-faced Sub-prioresses and went to order Ranulf and Maltote to saddle their horses as swiftly as possible .
10 She joined a plot to assassinate Trotsky and had to flee to France .
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