Example sentences of "[to-vb] [pers pn] as he [verb] " in BNC.

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1 But neither of them saw Captain Meredith coming from the opposite direction on his way to visit Lawyer Loveitt , and he failed to see them as he crossed into Frog Lane seconds after they had left it .
2 The archbishop of Canterbury was convinced , however , and the English bishops acquiesced , leaving Henry no choice but to support them as he had promised .
3 War with France was continuing and H.M.S. ‘ Terrible ’ , a British warship , was on permanent watch to guard him as he worked .
4 Eager hands reached out to help him as he eased himself out of the car .
5 Trevor Magee stopped and looked up as the pigeons took off , anxious to avoid him as he made his way across Trafalgar Square .
6 Newman sensed he had something he wanted to say and was n't sure how to put it as he opened the gate for Paula .
7 He knew that Sheldukher would not hesitate to carry out his threat , and also that he was far too intelligent to risk attempting to deceive him as he had Fakrid .
8 ‘ What is it ? ’ she asked , turning in her seat to study him as he sat down beside her .
9 But his secretiveness extended to not even telling them that , and they had to be content to accompany him as he turned left at the foot of the steps that led up to the station entrance and headed for the quays .
10 For him , compensation lay in taking control over the entire , vast dramatic output of the BBC , with almost unlimited executive powers to restructure it as he saw fit .
11 They motored forward to greet him as he appeared from the mists .
12 He had returned earlier in the day and Maeve was as ecstatic to see him as he had been hungry for her .
13 Ralph , without the wise word of Piggy , does not realise until near the end that ‘ sharpening his stick at both ends ’ means that Jack 's hunters are out to kill him as he believes that they are not capable of murder .
14 He pulled her into his arms , giving her no chance to try to evade him as he held her tightly against the solid strength of his body .
15 It felt unbearably good to hold him as he kissed her .
16 ‘ Precious baby ’ was the term used by doctors , nurses and midwives to describe him as he grew throughout Allison Burns ' pregnancy .
17 Then he continued to watch her as he poured himself more coffee .
18 All heads turned to watch him as he reached into his pocket and took out three multicoloured balls .
19 She could barely turn her head to watch him as he backed out of the room and closed the door ; a moment later , the sounds of the fire irons against stone resumed .
20 More fertile , so that man would be able to tame it as he had never , in thousands of years , been able to tame her wild moors .
21 He responded to my curiosity concerning the transmutation of metals by allowing me to assist him as he experimented with his alembic and his aludel .
22 If she were to marry him as he wanted , and , indeed , as her mother wanted , she would enjoy all these assets .
23 She was forced to face him as he planted himself right across her path .
24 He decides to join them as he springs them from jail and they continue their journey .
25 He took her arm , and short of starting an undignified fight she saw no option but to join him as he strolled towards the white-painted gate , set in the surrounding outer stone walls .
26 Yanto was a bit unsure how to take him as he stood there swaying and Billy 's befuddled mind was getting angrier by the second .
27 Was he going to ruin him as he had threatened before ?
28 She made no attempt to stop him as he leaned forward to kiss her .
29 ‘ Cheshire ! ’ exclaimed Rose , moving to intercept him as he turned for the door .
30 Jake lifted up the paperweight and let it rest in his palm , his eyes seeming to examine it as he responded , ‘ The first part of your question is easy to answer .
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