Example sentences of "[to-vb] [pers pn] for [Wh det] he " in BNC.

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1 I realized I just had to accept him for what he was , and when I learnt to do that , he did the same to me - accepted me without question , in all my imperfection , in all that made me unworthy of him .
2 ‘ Charm , ’ had said the tolerant , smiling on the young Fergus , prepared to accept him for what he was , but , ‘ Arrogant , ’ said the older , more cynical courtiers .
3 Halfway through the journal he had jumped to his feet — he was ready to rush out of the room , to find Havvie Blaine , to kill him for what he had done to her , and for lying about it afterwards .
4 ‘ On behalf of all the players , I 'd like to thank him for what he 's done , ’ said Heatherston .
5 Now that he had told her everything , he expected her to condemn him for what he had done , but she said nothing .
6 She ought to hate him for what he threatened to do , yet inside she felt a treacherous excitement at the fact that he wanted to keep her close .
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