Example sentences of "[to-vb] [pers pn] and [vb past] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 For non-metals if you try to hit them and beat them into sheets or if you try to stretch them you get ?
2 He again went to see them and persuaded them to accompany him to a meeting at the police station with Mr McLean on August 24 .
3 Someone from a hostel in London came to see me and said they would have me , so when I went to court in Sheffield the judge decided to put me on bail for four weeks , on condition that I stayed at the hostel and that I did n't drink , and also if I attended the Jules Thorn psychiatric unit , which is part of St Pancras Hospital , for a ten-day assessment .
4 He said he 'd flown over urgently to see me and asked me to come to the Cheshire Cheese , that pub in Fleet Street , at ten o'clock that night .
5 My mum come up to see me and asked me what the bandage was for and I told her I 'd burnt myself .
6 I thought at the time she made nought of it , but back last summer , like you say , round August bank 'oliday , she came to see me and asked me to tell 'er everything I remembered 'bout the day of the explosion .
7 When I was in police custody the doctor came in to see me and gave me some tablets and I 'm asking you for some now . ’
8 But I soon felt calmer when he came to meet me and kissed me .
9 Marius Steen must have killed Sweet : Sweet had put the pressure on about the photographs , Steen had fixed to meet him and shot him .
10 When the two truckers gave up their cursory attempt to find him and rejoined their companions , he advanced to the edge of the clearing to keep them under observation .
11 Director William Sterling had spotted a Sunday magazine photograph of her taken by Lord Snowdon , arranged to meet her and shortlisted her with two other girls to meet Shaftel ; after a couple of screen tests in full costume , she was offered the role .
12 He plugged in his razor to recharge it and washed his face in the gold-tapped sink .
13 Fieldworkers waved to meet us and cursed their barking dogs .
14 Mary 's fiancé , Johnny , who was a sergeant motor mechanic on one of the bomber air fields in Yorkshire , came down to visit her and took us all out for a drink one evening .
15 After he had been held incommunicado for a month his family were allowed to visit him and found him in good health .
16 For example , if a hotel wants to develop an impressive mail-out , then it may not be advisable to use a third A4 size — it should perhaps be larger with a specially designed envelope which interests the reader sufficiently to open it and read its contents .
17 From 1990 she was virtually housebound with chest problems and people in the community rallied round to help her and brought her meals .
18 I swerved to avoid him and hit his silly little car .
19 It is already technically feasible to build ‘ robot ’ bank and building society branches , but such an exercise would be a disaster if consumers refused to use them and switched their savings elsewhere .
20 And then wanted to publish them and dug them up and the body was in a frightful state of decomposition and some of the hair came away with the poems .
21 No ! ’ at the ceiling , Beth trying grumpily to reassure him and shut him up .
22 Leon Kennedy leant against the door to shut it and watched her .
23 Ruth would retire behind her screen to read them and stored them in one of her drawers .
24 ‘ When he first told me , I tried to understand him and agreed he could dress up once a week at home .
25 He is himself unreadable and hence ungovernable — a walking accusation levelled at the sympathetic educated sensibility which seeks simultaneously to understand him and set him on the straight and narrow .
26 In a document leaked to TODAY earlier this year Estell revealed that Selina ordered guests not to kiss her and said her performance as Terry Wogan 's stand-in proved where her interests lay — in ‘ how much money people earn and what clothes they wore ’ .
27 We have got not merely to say this , but to believe it and put our belief into practice .
28 On the wall , the new star mounted a photograph of Gene Kelly , who came to see him and told him how proud he was of his performance , and painted on the door were the words ‘ Ginger Crawford ’ .
29 Hayling had seemed unusually pleased to see him and offered him some champagne .
30 Her sister had been to see her and made her very tired and various strangers had moved her and pummelled her in a familiar manner that made her angry .
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