Example sentences of "[to-vb] [pers pn] and [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 As I passed the bakery on my way home , Didier ran out of the shop to greet me and asked if he might accompany me .
2 A year beforehand , Chudnovsky , who was a collector from Leningrad , and a very well-known one , had been to see me and asked if I could help him .
3 Well I , I was sitting in my house one night on the , I think it would be er nineteen fifty four , and a deputation came up from the ward committee to see me and wondered if I would join the council .
4 the City Council 's remains as efficient as possible , and erm most all the posts that we have at present , we believe are necessary , but we do continue to monitor them and see whether it is necessary to continue to employ all the people that we are employing at the moment .
5 ‘ There were a few kids who came up to meet me and said that they were n't going to vote until they heard what I had to say . ’
6 As a working detective , it would take six months of living with a mate to trust him and know that when it came to the Crown Court appearance he would know exactly what to say .
7 Not even the fantasy that one of the Tsar 's descendents was preparing to come out and offer himself as a leader within Russia itself , defying the authorities to arrest him and prove that they had n't changed after all .
8 Or he 'll have to sell it and disappear before I can ( could ) get to the police .
9 Give traffic plenty of time to see you and stop before you start to cross .
10 The hon. Gentleman knows that we are determined to sustain adult education , to extend it and to ensure that it is properly based in the local community .
11 Most people refused to believe them and said that they had been faked in Hollywood .
12 We all know he still fancies her he 's just trying to , you know keep it he 's just trying to forget it and try and act as normal as possible with her and hopefully things will get back to be back to what , what they were .
13 It 's a shame to spoil it and go and have a rotten meal there .
14 I 've been meaning to talk to you , but you 've ducked out of the building so fast after finishing your show these last two days , ’ she told him when he stopped to greet her and ask if she had heard the brilliant spontaneous earthquake joke he 'd cracked on air that morning .
15 On 26th May , Hunt came to see him and said that he was taking over the purchase negotiations for the Downing Street scheme , and particularly upset Pennethorne by producing one of Pennethorne 's drawings to assist him in the work .
16 When I said she did n't , he rang for his chauffeur and told me he was going to see her and asked if I wanted to go with him .
17 At first I was totally humiliated , and then I suppose in my heart , I truly believed that in that one week that he was mine , I could teach him to love me and to forget that Rachel even existed .
18 Erm it 's in Leeds erm and they know that I 'm going but I may need to call them and say that I 'm sending somebody else because I ca n't possibly go anywhere during the day on Wednesday .
19 When the latter siege had ended successfully , Molla Yegan came to Mehmed II to congratulate him and remarked that his prayers had continually been with him .
20 On one of Dr Forman 's visits , she managed to waylay him and ask whether her daughter should see a specialist .
21 He turns to face us and smiles when he sees Perry .
22 On the contrary , it would be a gross irresponsibility for the Government to ignore them and pretend that numbers do not matter .
23 If , in defence of your own attitudes , you do n't wish to examine them and believe that they are fixed , it 's not worth exposing yourself and listening to anything that might make you think differently .
24 The only way to handle it was to ignore it and hope that at least some of the complications would sort themselves out on their own .
25 Then I 'd wonder why people kept telling me not to take it and conclude that they just wanted to keep it all for themselves .
26 Would it not have helped British farmers if he had said that he was determined to support us and ensure that we succeeded ?
27 But Oliver used to correct me and explain that you are whoever it is you 're pretending to be .
28 If the MD asks you What if interest rates drop to 6% , you can use the scenario manager to show how the end result would differ from the figures you have calculated — and throw in a few other interest rates as well , just to impress him/her and make that rise you were after a touch more attainable .
29 I was expecting his camels to follow him and understood that he would not come further before they were in view .
30 The aim , after all , was not to arrest the man but to follow him and see if by that means they could uncover the line which ran back from Mordecai 's shop to the ultimate suppliers of Osman 's money .
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