Example sentences of "[to-vb] [pers pn] be [adj] at " in BNC.

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1 Everybody likes to think they are good at judging character , of course .
2 But I do n't enjoy the ice skating that much to think they were good at their job , yes
3 Well I have to say I 'm amazed at the honourable gentleman asking that question .
4 I knew that I was being considered for the MBE , to be announced in the next Queen 's Birthday Honours , and to say I was stunned at the thought was an understatement .
5 Vocals went straight down with only the minimum of top end EQ to keep them sharp , and when I went for the final mixdown I have to say I was amazed at how big a sound was coming back from the monitors .
6 Needless to say I was staggered at this result .
7 Scuba diving is a very complex sport and you are required to learn many aspects of the sport all of which are vital for example , pressure equalization , maintenance of equipment , assembling the equipment , nitrogen narcosis , decompression sickness and use of dive tables misunderstandig or neglecting any of these can result in very serious injuries or paralysis or even death you also learn practical skills like mask clearing to a timed diver low compass navigation must also be mastered and a theory and practical tests are undertaken to show you are competent at scuba diving .
8 Even Preston had to admit it was fun at times .
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