Example sentences of "[to-vb] [pers pn] and [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 You come to see me and sit there and say nowt .
2 The television viewing public had seen images of violence and expected political leaders to acknowledge them and to respond accordingly and responsibly .
3 The director of The Long Roads , Tristram Powell , agrees that less equalled more in that performance : ‘ I was aware that she had played all these glamorous parts , and I had to get her to trust me and do much less than she was used to .
4 We have found in the past that visitors have been most appreciative of the efforts made to inform them and have also been most complimentary on what they have seen .
5 Sentences and stories hint at their subjects before hunting them down , so that you keep having to trust her and follow blindly .
6 If you wash them away it will either become dry and troublesome or the body will try to replace them and become too greasy .
7 I heard the ambulance and the police cars and I saw them putting the man into the ambulance and trying to resuscitate him and driving away .
8 There our friends and relatives sometimes come to visit us and speak resolutely of trivial matters ; children seldom come , because that might seem ‘ morbid ’ , especially if the illness is known to be terminal .
9 A natural extension of the two approaches is to combine them and test both predictions at the same time .
10 You imagine this war gives you the excuse to disobey me and do exactly as you wish .
11 The greatest fear of the opposition groups now is that the ruling parties will try to appease them and rush ahead with calling free elections before the opposition groups are properly organised .
12 Athelstan promised he would do something to help her and left quietly , the cope still round his shoulders , Crim jumping up and down in front of him all the way back to the church .
13 This is a very useful source of information on QBasic and you should look at it later but for now press the ESC key to bypass it and get straight on with QBasic .
14 Darwin erm was prevailed upon to use it and did so occasionally , but rather reluctantly , and rightly so .
15 ‘ You see , Merrill , I had two reasons for wanting to keep you and Rob apart . ’
16 Tod is conducting a long argument , and he is telling the truth , but the invisible people who might hear and judge luckily refuse to believe him and turn away in silence , weariness and disgust .
17 I must be a fool to have needed to see him and Marise together like that before I knew . ’
18 It is at that moment that Jesus comes , not as a ghost but as himself , to save them and take away their fear .
19 Do n't gallop through your speech as if you ca n't wait to finish it and get away .
20 We are delighted at the honour and thank Hilary for agreeing to represent us and ensure even closer communications between the Medau College and the Medau Society .
21 It takes about five minutes to set it up before you retire to bed , and if you come back downstairs for something you have to cancel it and start all over again .
22 He felt it a boring thing he had to do as he would probably rather do something else but nevertheless it had to be done , not to save his reputation but restore his self-respect which he felt he did not have fully if someone was allowed to insult him and get away with it .
23 While she worked she told Sara how fortunate she was to be going to Portugal and to have been found a husband and how , when she was married , it would be her duty to obey him and remain utterly faithful to him , taking the Blessed Virgin Mary as her model and guide in all things .
24 He forced himself to say it and spoke aloud : ‘ They might be making love .
25 It is up to you , either to take it and go away , or go away and return when you are in a less deceitful frame of mind .
26 Blackberry clearly thought that he might be going to attack them and backed away .
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