Example sentences of "[to-vb] [pers pn] more [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Jehana had completed her remarks while there was still noise to cover her more explicit comments , but other guests had not .
2 We said we would let the WO have sight of our evidence to the Welsh Affairs Committee , and that we would try to give them more consistent evidence of breaches of planning guidance .
3 On this occasion , because of the unique nature of the measure , we should be prepared to consider in Committee changing the way in which we deal with statutory instruments , enabling us to give them more adequate scrutiny .
4 Most of the slimming clubs around have very good diets which are easy to follow and you would have the benefit of the group leader being able to give you more personal advice .
5 But , if he was n't going to give her more concrete help himself , she would have to find other allies .
6 At that time , he had offered to give her more extensive treatments — apparently , he found her a promising subject but she had n't had the cold kish to lay out .
7 The doctor refused to give her more sleeping tablets but scribbled a prescription for tranquillizers , which were increasingly prescribed for women like Clare , with symptoms of anxiety in stressful situations such as poverty , divorce , or bereavement ; women with marital problems and women who were out of work also found them helpful , although the pills did nothing to resolve the problem responsible for the initial anxiety .
8 To straddle the hurdle between its Unix commitments , where it derives its revenues , and NT , Sequent last week reorganised its management to give it more strategic depth .
9 To straddle the hurdle between its Unix commitments , where its revenues come from , and NT , Sequent last week reorganised its management to give it more strategic depth .
10 It was founded in imitation of Mussolini by the improbable figure of Miss Rotha Lintom-Orman , a young woman who was the daughter of a major , the granddaughter of a field-marshal , and whose clothes seemed to emphasise her more masculine qualities .
11 However , far from discrediting such polls , it encouraged efforts to make them more effective predictors of outcomes and preferences .
12 Sorry to bring you more bad news . ’
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