Example sentences of "[to-vb] [noun pl] that [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Steven continues : ‘ There 's a complete balancing out of all the different musical influences which enables us to write songs that make us sound like no-one else .
2 I do n't think humans want to know things that disturb them . ’
3 In addition , despite a disarmingly pleasant manner , Reagan was widely considered to harbour views that placed him outside the mainstream of American politics ; there was a possibility that he might tamper with social security or lead his country into war .
4 We tried to help Shanti to be pleased with her colour , to choose clothes that suited her , and to be co-operative with her over make-up and hair styles .
5 So what makes us want to read stories that frighten us ?
6 In the new pathway the formal lecture time was reduced to 60% of the total available , the remaining time to be used by students to pursue topics that interested them .
7 ‘ By a desire by staff themselves to attend courses that interest them , enthusiasm is the best form of staff training ’ .
8 In the process of sexual selection , certain males were said to develop characteristics that gave them the edge over other males in the competition for females .
9 It is just that the world automatically tends to become full of those varieties of clay ( or DNA ) that happen to have properties that make them persist and spread themselves about .
10 Bell Atlantic Corp is asking the US Department of Justice to waive restrictions that prevent it from providing video programming services — it wants to provide the services across the US without regard to local access transport area boundaries of its local territory .
11 I was too young to exercise my intellectual force to demolish prejudices that made me sick .
12 As a consequence , we need to ask questions that help us to conduct a sociological analysis of teachers and teaching .
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