Example sentences of "[to-vb] [pers pn] [conj] [verb] with " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I regret some of the changes , but I think you 've got to accept them and move with the times , however unfortunate that may be . ’
2 You 'll have to meet him and talk with him . ’
3 Just to get to meet him and work with him was a thrill , but I got to kiss him , too !
4 Joyce was to meet her and work with her again before she became one of the defendants in the trials of 1945 .
5 Again , however , once it seemed that the EDC had the support of the Six , Britain was willing to accept it and work with it .
6 He invited Continental Reformers to visit him and planned with them an international union of protestants .
7 I went to fetch them and returned with only three I 'd found , jungle , Safari and Ice .
8 The teachers managed to corner him and grappled with his clothing .
9 And how better to do it than to collaborate with one of the prime movers behind National Music Day , Mick Jagger , in a concert to celebrate The Blues .
10 He had to you know , he 'd , he 'd to leave it and consult with colleagues or whatever .
11 Everyone who has taken the trouble to contact them and to work with them speaks of their high qualities and commitment .
12 These are terribly obvious points , but we tend to forget them when dealing with complex and highly controversial matters which matter emotionally to us .
13 ‘ Since I am not to see him or speak with him alone ever again , in truth it matters little where he is . ’
14 During this session the rapport between her and the therapist appeared to have deteriorated , and the therapist thought this was because Pamela was beginning to see her as aligned with her parents .
15 I promise to love you and stay with you for ever .
16 He 's being posted out to the West Indies and he 's asked her to marry him and go with him .
17 Similarly , the thematic structure of the novel vaguely follows Propp 's paradigm : Armel takes Larissa into matrimony only to betray her ; Stavro , a gallant but naïve young man , ‘ saves ’ Larissa , begging her to marry him and go with him to Peru , or : ‘ The anti-hero anti-rescuing her from an anti-monster in an anti-romanzo ’ ( 149/727 ) .
18 I have to take it and live with it , but I will not allow it to undermine my confidence . ’
19 Erm er and it 's the way that we do it that 's made it made it very comfortable to go into something , like most of the people that come to see us and work with us , they 've never sold never been involved in advertising let alone sold it because erm
20 Neighbouring women rushed in to comfort her and mourn with her ; and Harry , fuming at her ingratitude and smarting from yet another snub , stamped back to this cottage , where he found Ann weeping bitterly , with Tristram at her breast .
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