Example sentences of "[to-vb] [be] [num] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 In order to find out where an image will be , it is only necessary to know were two of the rays go .
2 The will and ability to stand is one of the most basic manifestations of the life-force , almost more basic than an interest in food and water .
3 Training within the home in an informal ‘ conference ’ situation greatly benefits the development of the awareness that time to listen is one of the greatest gifts we give to those we love .
4 Home visits were much appreciated when they happened but failure to visit was one of the more common and significant criticisms ( Cartwright , 1990b ) .
5 To have continued to be so dependable and at the same time so exciting a batsman for so long , shows him to have been one of the greats of the game .
6 A few months after his death , I was asked to act as editor of this bicentenary history of the Royal Veterinary College , and I am proud to have been one of the team that has produced a book which I hope does justice to the author and to the College .
7 No works of art were produced by Miss Wise , nor was she heard of again after 1918 ; she is believed to have been one of the victims of the influenza epidemic of that time .
8 Seppings , who used to say ‘ partial strength produces general weakness ’ , seems to have been one of the first Naval Architects to have a clear mental picture of the stress systems in a ship 's hull .
9 With a passionate love of the visual arts , an intelligent partner to guide her purchases , and a large income to spend on pretty much any picture she fancied , Queen Victoria ought to have been one of the most distinguished of all royal collectors .
10 The sitter seems to have been one of the more vapid society cocottes who sat for Vigee-Lebrun .
11 I was privileged to have been one of the 28 guests , which included 11 veterans of the Tirpitz raids , who were invaded to attend these events .
12 Kastri on Kythera seems to have been one of the earliest , if not the first , Minoan colony , and it was set up well before 2000 BC .
13 The Labyrinth at Knossos is generally recognized to have been one of the greatest architectural achievements of the ancient world .
14 When , therefore , on 9 December 1949 , an amendment to the Military Aid Program bill proposed by the combined Senate Committees on Foreign Relations and Armed Services sought to earmark the sum of $75 m. for what was eventually described as the ‘ general area of China ’ , in voting to cut the appropriation for the Military Assistance Program in half the House of Representatives may , as Acheson said , have been in one of its berserk moods ; but in order to save the Program , and its underpinning of the fledgling North Atlantic Alliance , Acheson was prepared to accept the amendment and , as he presents it , it seems to have been one of the easiest passages in that summer of difficult decisions .
15 Combe Bank could be regarded as an attempt to reduce the four-corner-towered form of , for example , Lord Burlington 's Tottenham Park to the scale of a villa ; at Whitton Place he appears to have been one of the first Palladian architects to employ the three-sided bay-window motif ; and his stable block at Althorp , Northamptonshire ( 1732–3 ) , with its portico derived from St Paul Covent Garden is exceptional for the time in its exploitation of the bold simplicity of the Tuscan order .
16 He is alleged to have been one of the first Scots to take a degree at Cambridge .
17 Kennett died 12 May 1782 with his sentence for neglect of duty , and a suit for defamation brought by Thomas Howard , third Earl of Effingham ( whom Kennett had alleged to have been one of the rioters ) , still outstanding .
18 Aristos of Salamis in Cyprus , who probably lived in the middle of the third century B.C. , is said by Arrian ( 7.15.5 ) to have been one of the two historians who not only spoke of an embassy of the Romans to Alexander the Great , but made Alexander prophesy the future greatness of Rome , so impressed was he by the envoys .
19 It seems to me to have been one of the greatest tragedies in the Province in the 27 months I have been Secretary of State .
20 The dissolution of the ITC came in the wake of what was alleged to have been one of the biggest cases of commercial default in recent history .
21 There were 62 defendants ; those sentenced to death included one sentenced in his absence , and also Aissa Messaoudi , known as Tayeb al-Afghani , an illiterate 32-year-old ex-driver and shepherd who was said to have been one of the ringleaders .
22 Lincoln , which on several occasions was totally exempted from paying , seems to have been one of the worst affected ( 71 ; 77 , pp.272–3 ) .
23 Brian Jardin , a Paisley University student , who is believed to have been one of the executive committee who did not support moves to expel Ronald Chalmers , was elected vice-chairman .
24 Sgt. Bamberger then spotted four more coming down out of the sun ( these were likely to have been four of the original six , making their second swoop ) .
25 Finding a place to stay is one of the biggest obstacles facing refugees on arrival .
26 Here the last thing you expect to see is one of the most exquisite small houses in the land ; yet here , glimpsed down a short straight avenue of completely inappropriate young cherry trees , is Lodge Park .
27 The failure of the neural tube to close is one of the causes of spina bifida .
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