Example sentences of "[to-vb] [be] [vb pp] with [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Editor , — Does the surgical senior registrar who seems to have performed an unnecessary internal examination under anaesthesia without consent before an appendicectomy realise how lucky he is not to have been charged with battery ?
2 The empty chambers are usually supposed to have been filled with gas , which help to give the animal buoyancy , and via the siphuncle the animal can vary its buoyancy to control its position in the water column .
3 Despite that , the Dairy Crest sell-off is just about the only part of the MMB proposals to have been met with enthusiasm by the rest of the industry .
4 Kim 's appeal for economic assistance was said to have been met with advice from Li Peng on running a market-orientated economy .
5 As far as can be seen from aerial photographs and minor excavations , most of the main streets seem to have been lined with strip buildings , which are usually interpreted as shops and workshops .
6 Whilst blood would appear to have been associated with circumcision from the earliest times ( witness the account of Zipporah in Exodus 4.24–6 ) this character of the rite , as I hope shortly to show , assumed new dimensions and significances with the experience of the exile and the developments which I have just outlined .
7 The deal is believed to have been financed with debt and equity funding arranged by ANZ Banking Group and County NatWest Ventures .
8 A request by Branson for Virgin 's overdraft to be extended to £3m to allow normal trading to continue was met with prevarication .
9 I am not ashamed to admit being overwhelmed with nostalgia and a swelling in the throat on hearing ( or even thinking of ) that song .
10 UNITA 's final refusal to sign was greeted with frustration , but not complete surprise .
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