Example sentences of "[to-vb] [conj] such [noun sg] [be] " in BNC.

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1 It is , none the less , important to remember that such activity was by no means simply destruction for destruction 's sake .
2 An important safeguard introduced by the Act is the periodic review of detention to see if such detention is justified in terms of the detention criteria in section 37(2) noted above .
3 This is not to suggest that such observation is itself a straightforward method of investigation .
4 On the other hand , however , although 20th Century publications , taken as a whole , showed a lower-than-average proportion of items in need of repair ( 3% ) , it would be wrong to conclude that such material is in no danger .
5 In parts of Britain , particularly in parts of Wales , second home ownership has been fiercely contested by some locals , but it is hard to judge whether such opposition is justified .
6 The emotional help that we can offer most directly to bereaved people is to explain that such behaviour is not an indication that they have gone mad , but in fact rather the opposite .
7 Idle to say that such conformity is merely British : if it were so , the world would not so readily understand British fiction or buy it ; and buy it does , whether as novels , films or TV serials .
8 This is not to say that such comment is wholly wrong ; merely to say that it lacks precision , finesse .
9 It is equally refreshing to note that such criticism is acknowledged and solutions are readily available to provide an answer .
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