Example sentences of "[to-vb] [conj] you [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 well you do n't have to go where you give you one
2 Unless you hit the ball absolutely right , it is n't going to go where you want it to go .
3 ‘ But I need to know that you like it because I 'm the one doing this to you .
4 ' ’ I trust to have word from you by this messenger , and delay only to know that you wish me to proceed .
5 These kids have to have a structure , and to know that you mean what you say . ’
6 They need to know that you appreciate their efforts , your task is to spread irresistible enthusiasm .
7 She needed to know that you loved her ; so you told her all about the new drugs she could get from the Arcturans , or the huge advances in radiation treatment since rho mesons had been discovered .
8 ‘ How considerate of you , ’ she responded with a choked laugh , ‘ it 's so reassuring to know that you have my welfare at heart .
9 You should make quite clear what signals you 'll use to indicate that you want them to stop what they 're doing .
10 Fifth , last night was the most important night of my life so far , and I 'd very much like to know if you meant what you said to me when we were making love , Virginia .
11 will be pleased to know if you tell him that
12 Perhaps we should decline the invitation to join the forum and just keep a watching brief , but I thought I should let you know of its existence and purpose , I would be interested to know if you think there is a suitable person in your branch who would be able and interested in representing CPRW on the forum .
13 ‘ I just wanted to know if you loved her , ’ Ruth interrupted urgently .
14 It is always comforting to have hospitals , fire stations , and police close at hand so that you know that they will not have far to come if you need them .
15 I do n't know if you know what it is to work every day as if your life depended on it , to work until you feel you are going to bust a gut , until you want to cry or howl at yourself because your own body is so stubborn .
16 No , I mean I know that is is not exactly pertinent to the application that is er in , erm I my personal view is that that that bungalows are are practical , we have had it stated by one resident that a house and a bungalow would be acceptable , erm not that I am er anticipating any other planning develop er applications by these applicants but er would a house of a similar nature to one of these that they have proposed , plus a bungalow er , would we have as much opposition to this , to that as as the present ones , or you would prefer to defer until you saw it ?
17 ‘ I just want to know whether you want me to go to Mr. Moulton 's funeral with you . ’
18 Plenty long enough to discover whether you find it intolerable to live with her .
19 Just thought you ought to know before you sell your soul ; you ca n't get it back .
20 You make a cup of tea for a friend who has called around to express their condolences only to find as you pour it out , that there is no tea in the pot .
21 ‘ Methinks I am to be your chaperon — which means , I suppose , that I am to see that you conduct yourself properly and are accompanied suitably whenever you leave these apartments .
22 You loved her very much , but I am interested to see that you saw yourself as having sex , not making love .
23 At least I think that if I knew my rugby , I would be in a good position to acknowledge that you know yours .
24 In 110 we find straightforward confession : Yet in the same sentence we find specious self-excuses : ‘ but , by all above ’ , — this unusual oath , calling the heavens to witness , is an anticipatory give-away — Well , the disbelieving reader will say , to claim that you betrayed your partner merely to test your love for him , which has supposedly been increased by the experiment — this is to add insult to injury .
25 They failed to realize that you need it 's your own body
26 Erm yes three pictures that you might like to sell if you give me a price for them .
27 ‘ The way you talk , Frank , I 'm beginning to wonder if you know something I do n't , ’ Finn said .
28 I said I did n't want to talk and you attacked me . ’
29 You learn to listen because you know what a rectangle is and you can measure your idea of it against theirs .
30 Do n't forget to yell as you do it
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