Example sentences of "[to-vb] [conj] it was [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Ages seemed to pass although it was only moments , until a pollen-laden grass flower tickled his nose and he sneezed himself back to life again .
2 Simultaneously , Boardrooms across the USA began to accept that it was not always possible or desirable to rely entirely upon home-grown talent , and that managers and executives could be interchangeable between apparently quite different types of business .
3 Even if he comes by it innocently , nevertheless once he gets to know that it was originally given in confidence , he can be restrained from breaking that confidence .
4 Secondly , the buyer may find it easier to establish that it was not a contractual document .
5 It has taken five years to get this one right and the Government will not want to repeat the mistakes of the mid-1980s when Nigel Lawson thought he had beaten inflation , only to discover that it was just sleeping .
6 We were to discover that it was just large enough to hold a corpse and two breathlessly claustrophobic busy-bodies .
7 It was where the bedrooms had been ; they were later to discover that it was where the Romanovs had lived for a century and a half and had been the favourite apartments of Nicholas I.
8 He showed that it was harmless to white blood cells , which are a principal defence against invading microbes , and he and Craddock administered enough to animals to discover that it was remarkably innocuous .
9 Before sunrise I had the good fortune to discover that it was no longer necessary to maintain the horizontal posture , and came out on deck at two o'clock in the morning to see a noble full moon sinking westward and millions of the most brilliant stars shining overhead .
10 However it was a question of fact for the Crown Court , which was entitled to find that it was not so practicable .
11 In the instant case the IT were entitled to find that it was not reasonably practicable for Mr Sen to have presented his unfair dismissal claim in time , notwithstanding that he had been given erroneous advice about the time limit by a solicitor in circumstances where he had also been wrongly advised as to the time limit by a member of the IT staff .
12 On returning to his office the following Monday , Mark was surprised to find that it was now occupied by visiting American auditors .
13 Ten years ago I had purchased such a camera , a Pentax ME Super , and fortunately , I was able to dig it out from the back of a cupboard to find that it was still in excellent working order .
14 She was surprised to find that it was still not too late , only lunchtime actually , and she was further surprised when Felipe merely informed the other two that they had been driving in the mountains .
15 The party reached the lip of the main summit crater safely , only to find that it was quite docile , and that there was little to see within the crater apart from dense , swirling clouds of pungent sulphurous steam .
16 If Berg was successfully to allege that it was fraudulently misled , it must show that some natural person connected with it had been misled , and Berg could not do this .
17 This latter tradition remained geographically confined to the Far East and continued to flourish until it was gradually replaced , from the eighteenth century AD , by Western-style coinage .
18 You may be right , but your cynicism would be easier to accept if it was universally applied .
19 I found the homework , homework diary was useful because I used to check in , end of every of week they used to know if it was n't there I 'd want to know why it was n't done !
20 Yeah and the best bit about it is I have n't started to indicate but it was still a dangerous place to overtake .
21 I had no time to hide before it was over and gone .
22 You know they always used to come when it was too late .
23 But then , Bella 's home-help came out of the bungalow and it was no use any more trying to pretend that it was n't happening … .
24 A closer interpretation is necessary in family work , with the counsellor focusing on the statement rather than passing it off or trying to pretend that it was not said , seeking to analyse and ascertain what exactly was being said , why is was said , and what the real message might be .
25 The Mexican Government wanted to pretend that it was not the army that guaranteed them the land .
26 The Chairman welcomed the members present at the meeting and was pleased to see that it was well attended .
27 But the time came when Graham Thomas , who was then the Trust 's Gardens Adviser , suddenly had to produce a report and I began to see that it was n't quite like the old days .
28 I mean we we have more than done what was supposed to be to start with to see that it was n't a drain on the parish .
29 If the boy had a ‘ gift ’ then it was everyone 's duty to see that it was not wasted .
30 The historic deepening process of the Community was foreseen from the outset , which is why those who commended it to the country 20 or 30 years ago took care to see that it was not misunderstood .
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