Example sentences of "[to-vb] [conj] it [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 In a moment she would open her eyes to discover that it had all been an incredible , fantastical dream .
2 Further suppose that he had tried Kant 's remedy of being kind to his dogs , only to discover that it served merely to fan the flames of his misanthropy .
3 Then another smashed the window and grabbed a bag — only to discover that it contained just 1p .
4 Having half expected that hair to feel crisp , to prickle beneath her palms as it had against her breasts , she was surprised to find that it felt as soft as down .
5 The church is to be distinctive from the rest of the world ; people around us are familiar with a way of life where rank and wealth matter , and people want to achieve what they think matters — only to find that it does n't satisfy them ; God 's people are to have a way of life which is based on equality in God 's sight , and not be measured in terms of social standing .
6 It is acknowledged , however , that in its efforts to support the capitalist system , politically and economically , the capitalist state creates and expands public and social services only to find that it does not have the required resources to meet the growing cost of the public sector .
7 But a final word of caution : venturis are temperamental , and to enclose yours within a blockwork wall , only to find that it did n't work properly , would be frustrating .
8 Suddenly she was surprised that she could talk about Ian White without regret ; surprised to find that it did n't hurt any more .
9 The J/44 , and some other J-boats , seem to indicate that it does not .
10 ( c ) When she raised the question of blood transfusions the only response was to lull her into a sense of false security , both the staff nurse , in her express words , and Dr. F. in his demeanour and the obstetrics staff nurse explicitly , all sought to indicate that it did not much matter since there appeared to them to be no prospect of a blood transfusion becoming necessary .
11 When words bring the required response there is less need to scream and it becomes all right to ask .
12 There were considerable differences within the country at all social levels about the new religious practices ; aristocrats like the Montagues tried to compromise but it became increasingly difficult .
13 At that price bidders will need to know whether it 's still got all its the original characteristics .
14 The mechanism can thus be " driven " through its operating cycle to establish whether it operates correctly .
15 I found the metal of the cutter easy to work as it seems quite soft in comparison to the tool steel of my gouges .
16 They would throw the ball against a wall , do one or more twirls and still have time to catch when it came down .
17 The Bank repeated its intervention just as the New York markets opened during the European lunchtime to signal that it did not want the American markets , closed since Friday night , to push the pound down further .
18 So they choose to contend that it has not really happened : and in so choosing raise a timely question about the nature of political belief .
19 The divide in English studies seems to be between those who want to bring the rift out into the open , and those who prefer to pretend that it does n't exist .
20 This is a great pity ; the battle between these two paradigms , that of Galton and that of Binet , is a very real one , and to pretend that it does not exist , and that there is no evidence against the paradigm adopted here , is disingenuous .
21 She knew that she had pushed her dreadful experience away , had refused to be broken , had tried to pretend that it had never happened .
22 I hope this helps you to see that it does not matter at all whether that regression to his past life was factual or whether Barry 's subconscious had caused him to invent the whole thing in his imagination .
23 It is not necessary to reach agreement with Dr Bryan 's moral scheme in order to see that it involves quite a different moral emphasis from that projected on to the 1930s by post-war nostalgia .
24 I think , I think when your reading it , I mean the , the female always gets her man and he 's always perfect and er , I mean real life is just is n't like that , so its nice to see that it works out for someone .
25 Now I was beginning to see that it did n't necessarily have to be that way .
26 Berthon was livid at one of his cars being butchered but had to acknowledge that it handled better .
27 erm does n't given any more details than that , but it 's red brick to local authority approval , so they 're going to submit it to them for them to agree that it fits in .
28 The argument became heated when I refused to agree that it did not matter if the document was authentic or not .
29 ‘ To keep the whole thing in the right perspective , you have to remember that it does n't necessarily matter what a manager decides , the service that the resident receives is actually given by the care assistant .
30 Those of us who have recollections of the cocktail party organised in conjunction with Lady Margaret Hall seem to remember that it went off rather well .
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